Using the azure CLI in a container:
docker run -it microsoft/azure-cli
In the container deploy an Azure Container Service with Swarm (on SSH keys):
azure login
# Use some trial subscription
azure account list
azure account set "Try Out Subscription"
# Replace $sshRSAPublicKey$ with your own SSH public key
azure group create -n mycatsndogs mycatsndogs -l westus --template-uri -p '{ "dnsNamePrefix": { "value": "mycatsndogs" }, "agentCount": { "value": 2 }, "sshRSAPublicKey": { "value": "$sshRSAPublicKey$" } }'
Back on the host:
# This will only work after the master vm is deployed which takes time
ssh -L 2375:localhost:2375 -f -N [email protected] -p 2200 -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa
export DOCKER_HOST=:2375
# Wait until this shows two nodes
docker info
git clone
cd example-voting-app
docker-compose up -d
# Should show five containers distributed to the two nodes
docker ps
Open vote app:
Open result app:
# Work around 'build' only running on one node each time
docker-compose build vote
docker-compose scale vote=2
# Should show an additional 'vote' container on the other node
docker ps
Reload the browser tab with the vote app a few times, observe at the bottom on the page that the container id changes, depending on which node the load balancer directs the request to.
Other notes:
# Scale agent VMs
azure vmss scale -C 5 mycatsndogs swarm-agent-ACC186E3-vmss
# Tunnel to agent (IPs can be found in virtual network in the Azure Portal)
ssh -L 2375: -f -N [email protected] -p 2200 -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa
# SSH into master
ssh [email protected] -p 2200
# SSH into agent
ssh -A -t [email protected] -p 2200 ssh [email protected]