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Fix sam validation api.
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niyarin committed Sep 20, 2023
1 parent 2343b68 commit f91ce3e
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Showing 2 changed files with 180 additions and 131 deletions.
228 changes: 138 additions & 90 deletions src/cljam/io/sam/util/validator.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,13 +1,25 @@

(defn- validate-rname [rname refmap]
(not (string? rname)) ["Must be string."]
(and (not (= rname "*"))
(not (get refmap rname)))
[(format "Must be not in header.(%s)" rname)]))
(defn- error [path msg & args]
{:errors {path [(apply format msg args)]}})

(defn- merge-validation-results
([] nil)
([res] res)
([res1 res2]
(letfn [(rec [x y]
(cond (nil? x) y
(nil? y) x
(map? x) (merge-with rec x y)
:else (into x y)))]
(rec res1 res2)))
([res1 res2 res3 & more]
(reduce (fn [res res']
(merge-validation-results res res'))
(list* res2 res3 more))))

(defn- validate-pos [rname pos refmap]
(defn- validate-pos* [rname pos refmap]
(let [max-len (get-in refmap [rname :LN])]
(not (integer? pos)) ["Must be integer."]
Expand All @@ -18,43 +30,68 @@
(> (int pos) (int max-len)))
[(format "Must be less than or equal %d." max-len)])))

(defn- validate-qname [qname]
(defn- validate-pos [{:keys [refmap]} {:keys [pos rname]}]
(when-let [err (validate-pos* rname pos refmap)]
(apply error :pos err)))

(defn- validate-pnext [{:keys [refmap]} {:keys [pnext rname]}]
(when-let [err (validate-pos* rname pnext refmap)]
(apply error :pnext err)))

(defn- validate-rname* [rname refmap]
(not (string? rname)) ["Must be string."]
(and (not (= rname "*"))
(not (get refmap rname)))
[(format "Must be not in header.(%s)" rname)]))

(defn- validate-rname [{:keys [refmap]} {:keys [rname]}]
(when-let [err (validate-rname* rname refmap)]
(apply error :rname err)))

(defn- validate-rnext [{:keys [refmap]} {:keys [rnext]}]
(when-let [err (validate-rname* rnext refmap)]
(error :rnext err)))

(defn- validate-qname [_ {:keys [qname]}]
(if (not (string? qname))
["Must be string."]
(cond-> nil
(not (<= (count qname) 254))
(conj "Must be less than or equal to 254 characters.")
(error :qname "Must be string.")
(when-let [res
(cond-> nil
(not (<= (count qname) 254))
(conj "Must be less than or equal to 254 characters.")

(not (re-matches #"^[!-?A-~]+$" qname))
(conj "Must not contain illegal characters."))))
(not (re-matches #"^[!-?A-~]+$" qname))
(conj "Must not contain illegal characters."))]
{:errors {:qname res}})))

(defn- validate-mapq [mapq]
(defn- validate-mapq [_ {:keys [mapq]}]
(not (integer? mapq)) ["Must be integer."]
(not (integer? mapq)) (error :mapq "Must be integer.")
(not (<= 0 (int mapq) 255))
["Must be in the [0-255]."]))
(error :mapq "Must be in the [0-255].")))

(defn- validate-cigar [cigar]
(defn- validate-cigar [_ {:keys [cigar]}]
(not (string? cigar)) ["Must be string."]
(not (string? cigar)) (error :cigar "Must be string.")
(not (re-matches #"^\*|([0-9]+[MIDNSHPX=])+$" cigar))
["Invalid format."]))
(error :cigar "Invalid format.")))

(defn- validate-tlen [tlen]
(defn- validate-tlen [_ {:keys [tlen]}]
(not (integer? tlen)) ["Must be integer."]
(not (integer? tlen)) (error :tlen "Must be integer.")
(not (<= (- Integer/MAX_VALUE) tlen Integer/MAX_VALUE))
["Must be in the [-2147483647,2147483647]."]))
(error :tlen "Must be in the [-2147483647,2147483647].")))

(defn- validate-qual [qual]
(defn- validate-qual [_ {:keys [qual]}]
(not (string? qual)) ["Must be string."]
(not (re-matches #"[!-~]+" qual)) ["Must not contain bad character."]))
(not (string? qual)) (error :qual "Must be string.")
(not (re-matches #"[!-~]+" qual)) (error :qual "Must not contain bad character.")))

(defn- validate-seq [seq]
(defn- validate-seq [_ {:keys [seq]}]
(not (string? seq)) ["Must be string."]
(not (re-matches #"\*|[A-Za-z=.]+" seq)) ["Must not contain bad character."]))
(not (string? seq)) (error :seq "Must be string.")
(not (re-matches #"\*|[A-Za-z=.]+" seq)) (error :seq "Must not contain bad character.")))

(defn- validate-option [{:keys [type value]}]
(case type
Expand All @@ -76,68 +113,79 @@
["Must be Integer or numeric array string."])
[(format "Type %s is invalid" (str type))]))

(defn- validate-options [options]
(fn [res option]
(let [k (first (keys option))]
(if-let [checked (validate-option (get option k))]
(assoc res k checked)

(defn- make-validator* [header]
(let [refmap (into {} (map (juxt :SN identity) (:SQ header)))]
(fn [alignment]
(let [checked-rname (validate-rname (:rname alignment) refmap)
checked-pos (validate-pos
(:rname alignment) (:pos alignment) refmap)
checked-qname (validate-qname (:qname alignment))
checked-rnext (validate-rname (:rname alignment) refmap)
checked-pnext (validate-pos (:rname alignment) (:pnext alignment)
checked-mapq (validate-mapq (:mapq alignment))
checked-cigar (validate-cigar (:cigar alignment))
checked-tlen (validate-tlen (:tlen alignment))
checked-qual (validate-qual (:qual alignment))
checked-seq (validate-seq (:seq alignment))
checked-options (validate-options (:options alignment))]
(cond-> nil
checked-qname (assoc :qname checked-qname)
checked-rname (assoc :rname checked-rname)
checked-pos (assoc :pos checked-pos)
checked-rnext (assoc :rnext checked-rnext)
checked-mapq (assoc :mapq checked-mapq)
checked-cigar (assoc :cigar checked-cigar)
checked-pnext (assoc :pnext checked-pnext)
checked-tlen (assoc :tlen checked-tlen)
checked-qual (assoc :qual checked-qual)
checked-seq (assoc :seq checked-seq))
(defn- validate-options [_ {:keys [options]}]
(map-indexed #(when-let [err (validate-option %2)]
(apply error [:options %1] err))

(defn- validate-data-record [validator alignment]
(if (map? alignment)
(let [f (juxt validate-qname
(apply merge-validation-results
(concat (f validator alignment)
(validate-options validator alignment))))
(error [] (str "Variant must be a map, but got " (pr-str alignment)))))

(defn make-validator
"Variant and return returns a map that explains bad positions."
(let [validator (make-validator* header)]
(fn [alignments]
(map (fn [a]
(when-let [info (validator a)]
(throw (ex-info "Invalid alignment."
(assoc info :alignment a))))
([header] (make-validator header {}))
([header {:keys [file-type] :or {file-type :sam}}]
{:file-type file-type
:refmap (into {} (map (juxt :SN identity) (:SQ header)))}))

(defn validate-alignment
[validator alignment]
(let [res (validate-data-record validator alignment)]
(when (seq res)
(assoc res :alignment alignment))))

(defn validate-alignments
"Takes a list of alignments and throws an illegal alignment
if it contains illegal content.
If there is no illegal alignment, the input list is returned as-is.
Validation is delayed."
[header alignments]
(let [validator (make-validator* header)]
(map (fn [a]
(when-let [info (validator a)]
(throw (ex-info "Invalid alignment."
(assoc info :alignment a))))
(keep (partial validate-alignment validator)))
([validator alignments]
(sequence (validate-alignments validator) alignments)))

(defn- stringify-validation-result-messages [m]
(doseq [[i [path msgs]] (map-indexed vector m)
:let [path' (str path)
indent (apply str (repeat (+ (count path') 4) \space))]]
(when (not= i 0) (newline))
(printf " - %s: %s" path (first msgs))
(doseq [msg (rest msgs)]
(printf "%s %s" indent msg)))))

(defn check-alignment
[validator alignment]
(let [{:keys [warnings errors] v :alignment :as res} (validate-alignment validator alignment)]
(when warnings
(binding [*out* *err*]
(printf "Variant validation warning at %s\n%s"
(pr-str (cond-> v
(map? v)
(select-keys [:chr :pos :id :ref :alt])))
(stringify-validation-result-messages warnings))
(when errors
(let [msg (format "Variant validation error at %s\n%s"
(pr-str (cond-> v
(map? v)
(select-keys [:chr :pos :id :ref :alt])))
(stringify-validation-result-messages errors))]
(throw (ex-info msg res))))

(defn check-alignments
(map (partial check-alignment validator)))
([validator alignments]
(sequence (check-alignments validator) alignments)))
83 changes: 42 additions & 41 deletions test/cljam/io/sam/util/validator_test.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@

(deftest validate-option-test
(testing "bad type"
(is (= (#'validator/validate-option {:type "!" :value \!})
(is (= (#'validator/validate-option {:options {:type "!" :value \!}})
["Type ! is invalid"])))
(testing "type A"
(is (nil? (#'validator/validate-option {:type "A" :value \!})))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -35,61 +35,62 @@
(is (= (#'validator/validate-option {:type "B" :value "W"})
["Must be Integer or numeric array string."]))))

(deftest make-validator*-test
(let [validator (#'validator/make-validator*
{:SQ [{:SN "ref", :LN 45}]})
(deftest validate-data-record-test
(let [validator (validator/make-validator {:SQ [{:SN "ref", :LN 45}]})
{:rname "ref" :pos 10 :qname "a" :mapq 10 :cigar "16M"
:rnext "*" :tlen 0 :pnext 0 :seq "ATGC" :qual "*"
:options {}}]
(testing "valid patterns"
(is (nil? (validator valid-align))))
(testing "invalid patterns"
(are [k v ans] (= (get (validator (assoc valid-align k v)) k)
:qname 100 ["Must be string."]
:qname (apply str (repeat 255 \a))
["Must be less than or equal to 254 characters."]
(are [k v ans]
(= (get-in (#'validator/validate-data-record validator (assoc valid-align k v))
[:errors k])
:qname 100 ["Must be string."]
:qname (apply str (repeat 255 \a))
["Must be less than or equal to 254 characters."]

:qname "@@" ["Must not contain illegal characters."]
:qname "@@" ["Must not contain illegal characters."]

:qname (apply str (repeat 255 \@))
["Must not contain illegal characters."
"Must be less than or equal to 254 characters."]
:qname (apply str (repeat 255 \@))
["Must not contain illegal characters."
"Must be less than or equal to 254 characters."]

:rname 10 ["Must be string."]
:rname "NOT-FOUND" ["Must be not in header.(NOT-FOUND)"]
:pos "ABC" ["Must be integer."]
:pos 100000000 ["Must be less than or equal 45."]
:pos 46 ["Must be less than or equal 45."]
:pos -100 ["Must be in the [0, 2147483647]."]
:mapq "A" ["Must be integer."]
:mapq 300 ["Must be in the [0-255]."]
:cigar 10 ["Must be string."]
:cigar "3Y" ["Invalid format."]
:rname 10 ["Must be string."]
:pnext 100000000 ["Must be less than or equal 45."]
:pnext "A" ["Must be integer."]
:tlen -9900000000 ["Must be in the [-2147483647,2147483647]."]
:qual 10 ["Must be string."]
:qual "bad qual" ["Must not contain bad character."]
:seq 100 ["Must be string."]
:seq [\A \B] ["Must be string."]
:seq "A!TGC" ["Must not contain bad character."]))))
:rname 10 ["Must be string."]
:rname "NOT-FOUND" ["Must be not in header.(NOT-FOUND)"]
:pos "ABC" ["Must be integer."]
:pos 100000000 ["Must be less than or equal 45."]
:pos 46 ["Must be less than or equal 45."]
:pos -100 ["Must be in the [0, 2147483647]."]
:mapq "A" ["Must be integer."]
:mapq 300 ["Must be in the [0-255]."]
:cigar 10 ["Must be string."]
:cigar "3Y" ["Invalid format."]
:rname 10 ["Must be string."]
:pnext 100000000 ["Must be less than or equal 45."]
:pnext "A" ["Must be integer."]
:tlen -9900000000 ["Must be in the [-2147483647,2147483647]."]
:qual 10 ["Must be string."]
:qual "bad qual" ["Must not contain bad character."]
:seq 100 ["Must be string."]
:seq [\A \B] ["Must be string."]
:seq "A!TGC" ["Must not contain bad character."])
(is (= (get-in (#'validator/validate-data-record
(assoc valid-align :options [{:type "!" :value \!}]))
[:errors [:options 0]])
["Type ! is invalid"]))))

(deftest make-validator-test
(deftest check-alignment-test
(is (thrown? clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo
(doall (validator/validate-alignments
{:SQ [{:SN "ref", :LN 45}]}
(doall (validator/check-alignments
(validator/make-validator {:SQ [{:SN "ref", :LN 45}]})
[{:rname "ref" :pos 10000000
:qname "a"
:mapq 10 :cigar "16M" :rnext "*"
:tlen 0 :pnext 0 :seq "ATGC"
:qual "*" :options {}}]))))

(let [input [{:rname "ref" :pos 10 :qname "a" :mapq 10 :cigar "16M"
:rnext "*" :tlen 0 :pnext 0 :seq "ATGC" :qual "*"
:options {}}]]
(is (= (validator/validate-alignments
{:SQ [{:SN "ref", :LN 45}]} input)
(is (= (validator/validate-alignments (validator/make-validator {:SQ [{:SN "ref", :LN 45}]}) input)

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