Repository for analysis specific heat capacity analysis of the calorimetry data of H2O-NH3 systems
Folder Structure:
- i_data: all experimental data
- 26C: data with T range up to 26 C (299.15 K)
- 46C: data with T range up to 26 C (299.15 K)
- calibration_ice: data for calibration of calorimeter
- i_data_literature: all literature data
- lit_cp: past NH3-H2O specific heat measurements
- i_data_processed: processed experimental data
- not_smoothed: data that has not undergone average smoothing (used for plotting)
- o_finalPlots: plots used in the manuscript
- o_specificHeat_data: output specific heat data of H2O-NH3 solutions
- o_supplementaryPlots: plots used in the supplementary information
- z_scripts: all scripts used in analysis
- z_unorganized_archive: folders pre-organization.