This program can calculate the muslim prayertimes and provides an api that can do so. I created this program because i could not find a good api that could provide accurate data for a specific location and time, and those who did exist, where closed-sourced so you couldn't deploy one of your own instances.
The main website at /
only uses your location to calculate the praytimes as precise as
posible. It is also only meant as a example and should never be used as a production ready
NOTE: If you were wondering what was going on with all the params, then i can tell you that
the salah times for the webpage is also calculated server wise and does not use the api, but
contains /js/requests.js
which contains code for an ajax request, and /example.html
for a full working example.
Another NOTE: There seem to be a problem in firefox which disables navigator.geolocation, to fix this you must run firefox as admin.
The base enpoint is /api/:lat/:lng/:timezone
so in copenhagen that would be:
GET /api/55/22/+1
which would give you a response like this
"date":"Fri Mar 02 2018",
It also supports two parameters those include ?method=
and ?date=
. With method you can specify the method you want to use
to calculate the times currently we support these:
Method | Description |
MWL | Muslim World League (Default) |
ISNA | Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) |
Egypt | Egyptian General Authority of Survey |
Makkah | Umm Al-Qura University, Makkah |
Karachi | University of Islamic Sciences, Karachi |
Tehran | Institute of Geophysics, University of Tehran |
Jafari | Shia Ithna-Ashari, Leva Institute, Qum |
Hanafi | Muslim World League with hanafi asr |
So if i wanted to calculate the hanafi times then i would do:
GET /api/55/12/+1/?method=Hanafi
And the response would be like this
"date":"Fri Mar 02 2018",
The other parameter date, takes a javascript date string but the following format is recommended:
[Month] [Date] [Year]
So all the following is valid
Mar 19 2017
03 19 2017
GET /api/55/12/+1/?method=Hanafi&date=03-02/2018
also gives
"date":"Fri Mar 02 2018",
NOTE: If not specified then you will rely on server time which is very inacurate.
PrayTimes.js: Prayer Times Calculator (ver 2.3) Copyright (C) 2007-2011
Developer: Hamid Zarrabi-Zadeh License: GNU LGPL v3.0
TERMS OF USE: Permission is granted to use this code, with or without modification, in any website or application provided that credit is given to the original work with a link back to
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.