Use the web3.js library as a collection of readable Svelte stores for Svelte or SvelteKit.
If you prefer to use the ethers.js library to intereact with EVM, you may be interested by our sister package svelte-ethers-store.
For additional help or discussion, join us in our Discord.
- add the
npm i svelte-web3
- add the web3.js library in the main HTML page (
in Svelte,src/template.html
in Sapper orsrc/app.html
in SvelteKit)
<script src=""></script>
This step is necessary for now because the Web3.js library doesn't play well with bundlers (Vite, Rollup, Webpack, Snowpack, etc), thus we cannot simply add a dependency in package.json.
This library creates a set of readable Svelte stores that are automatically updated when a new connection happens, or when the chain or the selected account change. You can import them directly in any Svelte or JavaScript files :
import {
} from 'svelte-web3'
- connected: store value is true if a connection has been set up.
- web3: store value is a Web3.js instance when connected.
- selectedAccount: store value is the current selected account (when connected).
- chainId: store value is the current chainId when connected.
- chainData: store value is the current blockchain CAIP-2 data (when connected), see below.
For these stores to be useful in your Svelte application, a connection
to an EVM blockchain first need to established . The abstract helper
can be used to initiate the connection and
automatically instantiate all stores.
import { defaultEvmStores } from 'svelte-web3'
❗ defaultEvmStores
was named before defaultChainStore
. The
former naming has been removed in later versions of
To enable a connection with the current EIP-1193
injected in the browser window
context, simply call setProvider
the library abstract helper with no argument:
Please note that setProvider
can only to be called with no argument
in a browser context. So you may want to use onMount
when using
Sapper or SvelteKit. Similarly, you cannot use setProvider
with no
argument in SSR context.
onMount(() => {
// add a test to return in SSR context
will automatically update the stores when the network or
accounts change and remove listeners at disconnection.
❗ previous version of svelte-web3
were using a special
method setBrowserProvider
. The former naming still works but will be
removed in later versions. Please update your code!
To connect to non injected EIP-1193 providers like :
- web3-onboard
- ethers.js
- eth-provider
- WalletConnect
- Web3Modal
Call setProvider
on the library abstract helper with the JavaScript provider
instance object of the library. For example with Web3Modal :
const web3Modal = new Web3Modal(<your config>)
const provider = await web3Modal.connect()
will automatically update the stores when the network or
accounts change and remove listeners at disconnection.
Please check
in github for a complete example.
Any provider supported by Web3.js can also be used with setProvider
A WS or HTTP RPC string URL or any providers returned by new Web3.providers
, for example :
// or
// or
// or
new Web3.providers.WebsocketProvider('ws://localhost:8546')
// or
var net = require('net')
new Web3.providers.IpcProvider('/Users/myuser/Library/Ethereum/geth.ipc', net)
// etc...
You can also pass Index
as the second argument of setProvider()
select another account than the default when possible.
defaultEvmStores.setProvider(<provider>, <Index>)
After a connection has been established, you may import the stores
anywhere in your application. Most of the time, you should use the $
prefix Svelte notation to access the stores values.
import { connected, chainId } from 'svelte-web3'
{#if !$connected}
<p>My application is not yet connected</p>
<p>Connected to chain with id {$chainId}</p>
Likewise use the $
prefix Svelte notation to access its instance and
use the full Web3.js API. (beware, in the Web3.js library
documentation, instances are always noted as web3
, without $
, but
in the context of svelte-web3
, web3
is the Svelte store itself,
not it's value).
import { web3, selectedAccount } from 'svelte-web3'
// ...
const { name, chainId } = await $web3.eth.getChainId()
const balance = await $web3.eth.getBalance('0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000') : ''
To enjoy the same reactivity as using $web3
but with a web3.eth.Contract
contract instance, you first need to declare its address and interface. To
differentiate each eth.Contract
instance, you also need to define a logical
name. That's the function attachContract
import { defaultEvmStores as evm } from 'svelte-web3'
// ...
evm.attachContract('myContract',<address>, <abi>)
only needs to be called once and can be called before
connection since web3.eth.Contract
instances will only be created when
a connection becomes available. You may want to reattach new contract
definition or abi for example when you the current network change. For
the old definition will be overwritten and instance updated in the
store, simply use the same logical name.
After a contract as be declared, you can use its instance anywhere
using the $
notation and the logical name :
import { contracts } from 'svelte-web3'
// ...
{#await $contracts.myContract.methods.totalSupply().call()}
{:then value}
<span>result of contract call totalSupply on my contract : { value } </span>
By default, svelte-web3
build contract instances using the current connection
options. You may want to overwrite options by passing them as fourth argument.
defaultEvmStores.attachContract('myContract', <address>, <abi>, { from: <account>, ... })
The $
prefix Svelte notation to access store values is only
available inside Svelte files. To directly access the instantiated
values in pure javascript library without subscribing to the store,
you can use a special getter on the library abstract helper:
// this is not a Svelte file but a standard JavaScript file
import { defaultEvmStores } from 'svelte-web3'
if (defaultEvmStores.$selectedAccount) {
// do something if store selectedAccount is non null
Simply call the function disconnect
directly on the on the library
abstract helper:
is a store returning the current JavaScript CAIP-2 representation object.
The information returned by the chainData
store depends (like all
other web3 stores) on which chain the current provider is
connected. If the store has not yet been connected (with
), the store value will be undefined
This object is extremely useful to build components that reactively update all variables elements that depends on the current active chain or account.
Below is the CAIP-2 formatted information when the default store is connected with the Ethereum Mainnet :
"name": "Ethereum Mainnet",
"chain": "ETH",
"icon": "ethereum",
"rpc": [
"faucets": [],
"nativeCurrency": {
"name": "Ether",
"symbol": "ETH",
"decimals": 18
"infoURL": "",
"shortName": "eth",
"chainId": 1,
"networkId": 1,
"slip44": 60,
"ens": { "registry": "0x00000000000C2E074eC69A0dFb2997BA6C7d2e1e" },
"explorers": [
"name": "etherscan",
"url": "",
"standard": "EIP3091"
You might want to access all chains CAIP-2 data directly without using the
store. In this case, use the getter allChainsData
, it returns
the list of all CAIP-2 data available.
import { allChainsData } from 'svelte-web3'
Another solution is to use the helper function getChainDataByChainId
that takes the chainId as argument and returns
the CAIP-2 data or an empty object if not found.
import { getChainDataByChainId } from 'svelte-web3'
includes several basic Svelte components designed to simplify
common tasks when building Ethereum-based applications. These components
demonstrate how to use the web3-svelte
library effectively and serve as
reusable and composable best practices components. Currently, the library
includes Balance
, Identicon
, and Jazzicon
components. We encourage
community members to contribute and help develop additional components by
joining our discussions in our Discord.
You can find example usage of these components in the components
route in the
examples/sveltekit-app-template-web3 directory.
The Balance
component displays the balance of a specified Ethereum address. To
use the Balance
component, import it and pass the address as a prop:
import { Balance } from 'web3-svelte/components'
<p>Balance: <Balance address="0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000" /></p>
The Identicon
component generates a unique identicon (a visual representation
of an Ethereum address) using the ethereum-blockies-base64
library. To use the
component, import it and pass the address as a prop:
import { Identicon } from 'web3-svelte/components'
<Identicon address="0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000" />
The Jazzicon
component generates a unique and colorful identicon using the
library. To use the Jazzicon
component, import it and
pass the address and size (optional) as props:
import { Jazzicon } from 'web3-svelte/components'
<Jazzicon address="0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000" size="{32}" />
These components serve as a starting point for building your Ethereum-based
applications using web3-svelte
. You can further customize them and create
additional components according to your application's requirements. By
leveraging the reactivity and simplicity of Svelte along with the powerful
features of web3.js, you can create a seamless and efficient user experience
for your decentralized applications.
You can also using the library to create several stores, each connected to different providers. For example, you may want a connection to the same chain througth the browser wallet and simultaneously with Infura; or many stores each connected to a different chains at the same time.
In this case, use the makeEvmStores
factory function as below :
import { makeEvmStores } from 'svelte-web3'
let evmStores, web3, connected, selectedAccount, chainId, chainData
;({ web3, connected, selectedAccount, chainId, chainData, ...evmStores } =
can be an arbitrary name to be able to retrieve the store with the function getChainStore
without reinitializing the conection:
import { getChainStore } from 'svelte-web3'
let evmStores, web3, connected, selectedAccount, chainId, chainData
;({ web3, connected, selectedAccount, chainId, chainData, ...evmStores } =
The web3
store and all other derived stores will work the same way as with the default store.
If you want to use the different chain stores in the same Svelte file (not advised, it's better to use subcomponents), you may renamed the stores this way :
let evmStores_A, web3_A, evmStores_B, web3_B
;({ web3: web3_A, ...evmStores_A } = makeEvmStores('<id_A>'))(
({ web3: web3_B, ...evmStores_B } = makeEvmStores('<id_B>'))
Assuming that you already have a working injected provider like MetaMask in your browser:
- npm create vite@latest myapp -- --template svelte
- cd myapp && npm install svelte-web3
- add
script loading tag inside theindex.html
header (see above) - add this minimal connection code in App.svelte:
import { onMount } from 'svelte'
import { defaultEvmStores as evm, selectedAccount, chainId } from 'svelte-web3'
- use the stores in the HTML
<p>account: {$selectedAccount} / chainId: {$chainId}</p>
npm run dev
It's not sufficient to await
for the setProvider
to be certain that
other derived stores have been populated. Instead you should subscribe
to the needed store and put your code inside the handler.
For example:
import { defaultEvmStores as evm, web3, selectedAccount } from 'svelte-web3'
selectedAccount.subscribe(async ($selectedAccount) => {
if (!$selectedAccount) return
// do stuff here
// ...
onMount(() => {
It is out of scope of this package to implement this function but it generally depends on the type of provider you are using and a way to store connection information between page loads (for example by using localStorage).
If you are using svelte-web3
to build an open source Dapp, let us know
if you want to be listed in this section.
Please check examples/svelte-vite-template-web3 on github.
Please check examples/sveltekit-app-template-web3 on github.
❗ This is a legacy example and will be removed in future version of svelte-web3
Please check examples/svelte-app-template-web3 on github.
Contains demos to use the default store and multi stores.
❗ This is a legacy example and will be removed in future version of svelte-web3
Please check examples/sapper-app-template-web3 on github.
A website presented in EthLisbon 2021, used svelte-web3 (version 2) for building the frontend. :