A package that contains a compiled .jar
version of the Google Closure Compiler and a special build that will strip out all goog.debug
calls, and more specifically logging.
Build Version SHA 579770a Oct-25-2013
npm install superstartup-closure-compiler --save-deps --silent
Pretty nothing atm, just two methods:
- Get the relative path to the closure compiler .jar file.
- Get the relative path to the superstartup compiler .jar file.
var compiler = require('superstartup-closure-compiler');
var exec = require('child_process').exec;
/* ... */
// prepare the command for the CLI
var command = compiler.getPath() + ' ' + compilerOptions;
// run the compiler command
exec( command, cb );
You can find the two builds in the build/
- compiler.jar Is vanilla Google Closure Compiler.
- sscompiler.jar Is the special build that stripts out all
You can also make your own build of the closure compiler by following these instructions:
- Fetch the submodule (actual closure compiler sources):
git submodule init
git submodule update
- Optionally, you may want to update the compiler sources to the latest version:
cd google-closure-compiler
git pull
- Build closure compiler with ant. At the root of closure's compiler source tree, there is an Ant file named
. To use it, navigate to the same directory and type the command:
ant jar
This will produce a jar file called "build/compiler.jar".
- Now time to build the custom compiler, move to the
directory and issue the same build command:
cd superstartup-compiler
ant jar
After the build is successful, you can find the jar file in the `build` folder.
If you are having problems with ant jar
or the build produces errors, try a ant clean