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MQ-498: Add support for delivery delay in Queues #5725

MQ-498: Add support for delivery delay in Queues

MQ-498: Add support for delivery delay in Queues #5725

Workflow file for this run

name: Tests
- 'doc/**'
- main
{ name : linux, image : ubuntu-20.04 },
{ name : macOS, image : macos-13 },
{ name : windows, image : windows-2022 }
# Default build: no suffix or additional bazel arguments
{ suffix: '', bazel-args: '' },
# Debug build
{ suffix: -debug, bazel-args: --config=debug }
# Add an Address Sanitizer (ASAN) build on Linux for additional checking.
- os: { name: linux, image: ubuntu-20.04 }
config: { suffix: -asan, bazel-args: --config=asan }
# Windows has a custom non-debug bazel config.
- os: { name : windows, image : windows-2022 }
config: { suffix: '', bazel-args: --config=windows_no_dbg }
- os: { name : windows, image : windows-2022 }
config: { suffix: -debug, bazel-args: --config=windows_dbg }
# Skip the matrix generated Windows non-debug config to use the one added above.
- os: { name : windows, image : windows-2022 }
config: { suffix: '', bazel-args: '' }
- os: { name : windows, image : windows-2022 }
config: { suffix: -debug, bazel-args: --config=debug }
fail-fast: false
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os.image }}
name: test (${{ }}${{ matrix.config.suffix }})
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
show-progress: false
- name: Cache
id: cache
uses: actions/cache@v4
path: ~/bazel-disk-cache
key: bazel-disk-cache-${{ }}-${{ runner.arch }}${{ matrix.config.suffix }}-${{ hashFiles('.bazelversion', '.bazelrc', 'WORKSPACE') }}
# Intentionally not reusing an older cache entry using a key prefix, bazel frequently
# ends up with a larger cache at the end when starting with an available cache entry,
# resulting in a snowballing cache size and cache download/upload times.
- name: Setup Linux
if: == 'linux'
# Install dependencies, including clang via through LLVM APT repository. Note that this
# will also install lldb and clangd alongside dependencies, which can be removed with
# `sudo apt-get remove -y lldb-15 clangd-15; sudo apt-get autoremove -y` if space is
# limited.
# libunwind, libc++abi1 and libc++1 should be automatically installed as dependencies of
# libc++, but this appears to cause errors so they are also being explicitly installed.
# Since the GitHub runner image comes with a number of preinstalled packages, we don't need
# to use APT much otherwise.
# TODO(cleanup): Upgrade this to LLVM 16 as soon as it is available on the latest Ubuntu
# LTS release. Debian includes LLVM 16 since the Bookworm 12.4 point release.
run: |
export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
chmod +x
sudo ./ 15
sudo apt-get install -y libunwind-15 libc++abi1-15 libc++1-15 libc++-15-dev libclang-rt-15-dev
echo "build:linux --action_env=CC=/usr/lib/llvm-15/bin/clang --action_env=CXX=/usr/lib/llvm-15/bin/clang++" >> .bazelrc
echo "build:linux --host_action_env=CC=/usr/lib/llvm-15/bin/clang --host_action_env=CXX=/usr/lib/llvm-15/bin/clang++" >> .bazelrc
sed -i -e "s%llvm-symbolizer%/usr/lib/llvm-15/bin/llvm-symbolizer%" .bazelrc
- name: Setup macOS
if: == 'macOS'
# TODO: We want to symbolize stacks for crashes on CI. Xcode is currently based on LLVM 16
# and the macos-13 image has llvm@15 installed:
# Not enabled because symbolication does not work on workerd macOS builds yet and running
# llvm-symbolizer in the currently broken state causes some tests to time out on the
# runner.
# Use latest available Xcode version – runner still defaults to 14.3.1.
run: |
sudo xcode-select -s "/Applications/"
# export LLVM_SYMBOLIZER=$(brew --prefix llvm@15)/bin/llvm-symbolizer
# sed -i -e "s%llvm-symbolizer%${LLVM_SYMBOLIZER}%" .bazelrc
- name: Setup Windows
if: == 'windows'
# Set a custom output root directory to avoid long file name issues.
run: |
[System.IO.File]::WriteAllLines((Join-Path -Path $env:USERPROFILE -ChildPath '.bazelrc'), 'startup --output_user_root=C:/tmp')
- name: Configure download mirrors
shell: bash
run: |
if [ ! -z "${{ secrets.WORKERS_MIRROR_URL }}" ] ; then
# Strip comment in front of WORKERS_MIRROR_URL, then substitute secret to use it.
sed -e '/WORKERS_MIRROR_URL/ { s@# *@@; s@WORKERS_MIRROR_URL@${{ secrets.WORKERS_MIRROR_URL }}@; }' -i.bak WORKSPACE
- name: Generate list of excluded Bazel targets
# Exclude large benchmarking binaries created in debug and asan configurations to avoid
# running out of disk space on the runner (nominally 14GB). We typically have two copies
# of generated artifacts: one under bazel output-base and one in the bazel disk cache.
# Also only generate limited debug info – these binaries are only used for testing and
# don't need to run within a debugger, so information needed for symbolication is
# sufficient. The host configuration compiles in opt mode/without debug info by default, so
# there's no need to set host_copt here.
if: contains(matrix.config.suffix, 'debug') || contains(matrix.config.suffix, 'asan')
shell: bash
run: |
cat <<EOF >> .bazelrc
build:limit-storage --build_tag_filters=-off-by-default,-benchmark
build:limit-storage --copt="-g1"
build:asan --config=limit-storage
build:debug --config=limit-storage
- name: Configure git hooks
# Configure git to quell an irrelevant warning for runners (they never commit / push).
run: git config core.hooksPath githooks
- name: Bazel build
# timestamps are no longer being added here, the GitHub logs include timestamps (Use
# 'Show timestamps' on the web interface)
run: |
bazelisk build ${{ matrix.config.bazel-args }} --disk_cache=~/bazel-disk-cache --remote_cache=https://bazel:${{ secrets.BAZEL_CACHE_KEY }} --verbose_failures //...
- name: Bazel test
run: |
bazelisk test ${{ matrix.config.bazel-args }} --disk_cache=~/bazel-disk-cache --remote_cache=https://bazel:${{ secrets.BAZEL_CACHE_KEY }} --keep_going --verbose_failures --test_output=errors //...
- name: Report disk usage
if: always()
shell: bash
run: |
BAZEL_OUTPUT_BASE=$(bazel info --ui_event_filters=-WARNING output_base)
BAZEL_REPOSITORY_CACHE=$(bazel info --ui_event_filters=-WARNING repository_cache)
echo "Bazel cache usage statistics"
du -hs -t 1 ~/bazel-disk-cache/* $BAZEL_REPOSITORY_CACHE
echo "Bazel output usage statistics"
du -hs -t 1 $BAZEL_OUTPUT_BASE
echo "Workspace usage statistics"
- name: Drop large Bazel cache files
if: always()
# Github has a nominal 10GB of storage for all cached builds associated with a project.
# Drop large files (>100MB) in our cache to improve shared build cache efficiency. This is
# particularly helpful for asan and debug builds that produce larger executables. Also
# the process of saving the Bazel disk cache generates a tarball on the runners disk, and
# it is possible to run out of storage in that process (does not fail the workflow).
shell: bash
run: |
if [ -d ~/bazel-disk-cache ]; then
find ~/bazel-disk-cache -size +100M -type f -exec rm {} \;
echo "Trimmed Bazel cache usage statistics"
du -hs -t 1 ~/bazel-disk-cache/*
echo "Disk cache does not exist: ~/bazel-disk-cache"
- name: Bazel clean (expunge)
# Only files in the disk cache are needed at this point, but generating the tarball created
# of the bazel disk cache requires disk space. This step blows away build outputs and leaves
# the Bazel disk cache untouched.
run: bazelisk clean --expunge
- name: Bazel shutdown
# Check that there are no .bazelrc issues that prevent shutdown.
run: bazelisk shutdown