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Releases: cmfcmf/OpenWeatherMap-PHP-API

Fix deprecation notices on PHP 8.1

19 Feb 15:41
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Add support for psr/cache version 2 and 3

17 Jan 18:25
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  • Allow psr/cache versions 1, 2, and 3, #178
  • Test on PHP 8.1 and 8.2

Fix UV index API, add psr/http-factory requirement

04 Mar 16:38
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  • OpenWeatherMap just changed the return format of the UV index API, which was reported and fixed by @mikepsinn. #157
  • psr/http-factory had always been required, but was missing from composer.json. This was fixed by @erickskrauch in #159

Fix parsing of timezones in certain edge cases

29 Aug 08:35
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This release fixes an issue where the timezone parsing logic was unable to handle SimpleXMLElements.

Thank you @ChrisB9 for fixing this in #154!

Correct detection of "404 Not Found" errors

30 Jul 07:40
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This release fixes an issue where OWMNotFoundException was never thrown, even when it should have been.

Thank you @robjuz for raising (#150) and fixing (#151) this issue!

Better JSON serialization of `Unit`s

13 Mar 16:57
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This release brings better support for json_encodeing data returned by this library and minor documentation updates.

  • The Unit class now includes its values in its JSON representation (thank you @1franck!):
$unit = new Unit(42.5, "°C", "hot", "2.5");
$this->assertEquals(json_encode($unit), '{"value":42.5,"unit":"\u00b0C","description":"hot","precision":2.5}');

Docs website, timezone property for cities

22 Jan 09:47
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This release brings a small new feature as well as an all-new documentation!

  • The new documentation is hosted at It is located inside the docs folder of this repository.
  • Citys now have a timezone property that indicates the cities' timezone. Thank you @hennell-git for working on this in #140!

Support air pollution APIs

13 Nov 14:10
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This release brings support for OpenWeatherMap's air pollution APIs (currently in beta):

  • Carbon Monoxide Data
  • Ozone Data
  • Sulfur Dioxide Data
  • Nitrogen Dioxide Data

Big thanks to @tomtomklima for kicking this off by working on the carbon monoxide API in #138!

We also fixed a bug related to missing wind directions when using the weather group API reported by @KarelWintersky in #137.

PHP 7, PSR-6,17,18, UVIndex Improvements

09 Jun 06:51
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Version 3 comes with a few bug fixes and new and removed features.

  • [Breaking]: The minimum required PHP version is now PHP 7.0
  • [Breaking]: Support for the Weather History API has been removed. It is unfortunately not possible for me to test the integration, because it requires a paid API key.
  • [Breaking]: Caching OWM responses no longer uses a custom cache implementation (Cmfcmf\OpenWeatherMap\AbstractCache) but instead PSR-6 compatible caches.
  • [Breaking]: Custom Cmfcmf\OpenWeatherMap\Fetcher\FetcherInterface classes dropped in favor of PSR-18 compatible HTTP clients. You now need to pass a PSR-18 compatible HTTP client as well as a PSR-17 compatible HTTP request factory to the OpenWeatherMap constructor. You will need to choose and install two additional dependencies separately:
    1. A PSR-17 compatible HTTP factory implementation.
      A list of HTTP factory implementations is available at Packagist.
    2. A PSR-18 compatible HTTP client implementation.
      A list of HTTP client implementations is available at Packagist.

Example for Guzzle (php-http/guzzle6-adapter, http-interop/http-factory-guzzle):

use Http\Factory\Guzzle\RequestFactory;
use Http\Adapter\Guzzle6\Client as GuzzleAdapter;

$httpRequestFactory = new RequestFactory();
$httpClient = GuzzleAdapter::createWithConfig([]);
$owm = new OpenWeatherMap($myApiKey, $httpClient, $httpRequestFactory);
  • [Breaking]: Removal of long-deprecated getRawData() method. Use getRawWeatherData instead.
  • [Breaking]: The units for temperatures previously were K, °C and F. Now they are K, °C and °F.
  • [Breaking]: The UV index API has been expanded to support historic uv index data and forecast UV index data: getCurrentUVIndex, getForecastUVIndex and getHistoricUVIndex (thanks to @roelvanhintum).
  • ext-json, ext-libxml and ext-simplexml have always been implicitly required, but are now explicitly required in composer.json (thanks to @gloomy).

Use HTTPS urls

30 Aug 07:40
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Up until now, we were using HTTP urls for the API calls to OpenWeatherMap. Thanks to @Erulezz, we now use the more secure HTTPS versions.

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