Demonstration of Gluon native image generation with springboot + JavaFX application.
Sample project inspired by but demonstrate how to create a native image through graalvm for a JavaFX and Springboot application. The build is composed via maven of spring AOT + GluonFX.
See gluonFX at :
This project has been tested on Windows to create a native image exe file.
For this, you have to install all the gluonFX specific versions as described in the link. Here are my configuration :
- Java 21 (from eclipse adoptium) on windows
- maven 3.8.8
- graalvm-svm-java17-windows-gluon-
- Microsoft VS Code 2022 with the C compiler build tools
In a VS Code CLI (e.g. launched via : cmd /k "C:\VisualStudio\2022\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars64.bat"), build with maven :
mvn clean install
test with :
Build the native executable :
run spring AOT :
mvn -Pnative spring-boot:process-aot
build native with gluonFX :
mvn gluonfx:build
Run it :
mvn gluonfx:nativerun
Or double clic on the executable in target\gluonfx\x86_64-windows\GluonWithSpring.exe
On my PC which is quite limited in resources :
the standard java and jar launch uses 185 Mb of RAM and has a startup time of 2.4s
the native executable uses 86 Mb of RAM and has a startup time of 0.06s :)