GridView builds on the excellent CustomCollectionViewLayout which can be found here to provide an API both easy to use and more flexible.
GridViewController is a subclass of UICollectionViewController which needs to be used in conjunction with the custom layout GridViewLayout which is also included in the framework.
After that all you need is implement the GridViewLayoutDataSource protocol:
func numberOfColumns() -> Int // does not include the title columns
func numberOfRows() -> Int // does not include the title rows
func numberOfRowTitles() -> Int
func numberOfColumnTitles() -> Int
func widthForContentColumnIndex(columnIndex: Int) -> CGFloat
func heightForContentRowIndex(rowIndex: Int) -> CGFloat
func heightOfColumnTitles() -> CGFloat
func widthOfRowTitles() -> CGFloat
func cornerCellForIndexPath(indexPath: NSIndexPath,cornerColumnIndex: Int, cornerRowIndex: Int) -> UICollectionViewCell
func columnTitleCellForIndexPath(indexPath: NSIndexPath, columnTitleCellIndex: Int, columnIndex: Int) -> UICollectionViewCell
func rowTitleCellForIndexPath(indexPath: NSIndexPath, rowtitleCellIndex: Int, rowIndex: Int) -> UICollectionViewCell
func contentCellForIndexPath(indexPath: NSIndexPath, columnIndex: Int, rowIndex: Int) -> UICollectionViewCell