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The Install Generator in Detail

Tim Fischbach edited this page May 6, 2014 · 2 revisions

To better understand Pageflow's configuration choices, you can run the single steps of the install generator one by one.

Let's look at the steps one at a time.

$ rails generate active_admin:devise User --no-default-user

Install devise and configure it to play nice with Active Admin. Pageflow uses only a single User model with a configurable role. So we tell Active Admin not create its default AdminUser model but authenticate a User instead.

$ rails generate active_admin:install --skip-users

This creates an initialzer for Active Admin and configures routing. Pageflow brings its own user admin component. So there's no need for the default user admin.

$ rails generate pageflow:active_admin_menu

This adapts the default active admin config to insert a user profile menu item next to sign out button.

$ rails generate friendly_id

Invoke the Friendly Id generator.

$ rails generate pageflow:resque

Create initializers to configure Resque under config/initializers/resque_*. Inside the initializers you find some more explanations for the individual choices made.

$ rails generate pageflow:assets

Create javascript and stylesheet files. Those mostly contain a single require or import and are the place to include further Pageflow extensions.

$ rails generate pageflow:initializer

Create the Pageflow initializer which contains all configuration options. All available settings are described inside the file.

$ rails generate pageflow:routes

Inject the routes helper into config/routes.rb. Pageflow runs at the root url by default.

$ rails generate pageflow:cancan

Configure Active Admin to use the CanCan authorization adapter. And create an Ability class.

$ rails generate pageflow:user

Inject the Pageflow user mixin into the user class. As you can see Pageflow works with User and Ability class that live in your app. That way you can easily integrate new features into your app that rely on Pageflow's user management.

$ rails generate seeds

Require Pageflow seed data in db/seeds.rb.

$ rake pageflow:install:migrations

Finally the generator installs the database migrations which create tables for the Pageflow models.