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Tim Fischbach edited this page Oct 28, 2015 · 33 revisions

Application Setup

Do not Call your Generated Application pageflow

It leads to conflicting constant names and prevents the generator and the app from running.

Solution: rails new pageflow_something and NOT rails new pageflow

Devise Migration without File Extension

Some versions of Devise seem to generate a migration without a file extension. When running migrate the file is ignored causing the following migrations to fail.

Solution: Add .rb extension to db/migrate/xxxx-devise_create_users file.

Image and Media Processing

Resque Worker cannot be Started

  • Error connecting to Redis on localhost:6379 when running rake resque:work

    Solution: Make sure Redis server is running.

  • rb_sys_fail_str(connect(2) for [fe80::1%lo0]:6379) when running rake resque:work

    As reported in redis/redis-rb#479 this error message is given on Max OS X Yosemite 10.10.1 with Ruby 2.1.0 when a Redis connection cannot be established.

    Solution: Make sure Redis server is running.

Error Message in Pageflow Editor during Image Upload Step

Check log/development.log to see the stack trace of the exception causing the request to fail.

  • Errno::ECONNREFUSED in Pageflow::Editor::FilesController#create or hangs at [paperclip] saving ...

    Check that you have used a valid s3_host_name in Pageflow's paperclip_s3_default_options setting. In particular, ensure that you are not using an s3-website. endpoint. Those are only for serving files from the bucket via HTTP - not for API access. See the AWS list of regions and enpoints for possible values.

    Make sure to restart your resque workers after changing the Paperclip configuration.

Error Message in Pageflow Editor during Image Processing Step

Check log/jobs/development/resize.log to see why the job failed.

  • Ensure that ImageMagick is installed.

Upgrading Pageflow

Missing Translations in Editor

Sometimes, after updating the pageflow gem or installing a new page type, missing translations appear inside the editor. This is caused by the i18n-js gem not picking up new translations. See the discussion in issue #100 for some background.

Solution: Remove the sprockets cache directory located at tmp/cache/assets/development/sprocket and restart your app.