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A cheat sheet for bash

Simple traversal

pwd : prints working directory

ls : lists contents of current directory

ls -l : list contents of current directory with extra details

ls -a : list hidden files too

ls /home/user/*.txt : lists all files ending with .txt inside /home/user

cd or cd ~ : change directory to your home directory

cd folder1/folder2/ : change directory to folder2 inside folder1

mkdir mydir : create a new directory named mydir

rmdir mydir : remove directory mydir

touch myfile : create or update a myfile

cp myfile myfile2 : copy myfile into myfile2

cp -r mydir mydir2 : copy mydir into mydir2 (creates new directory if it doesn't exist)

rm myfile : removes myfile

rm -rf mydir : removes mydir and all its contents

mv myfile mydir/ : moves myfile into mydir

mv myfile newfile : renames myfile to newfile

mv mydir newdir : renames mydir to newdir

cat file : outputs the contents of file

cat > file : places standard input into file (^c to end)

head file : output first 10 lines of file

tail file : output last 10 lines of file

tail -f file : output contents of file as it grows (^c to exit)

nano : opens a terminal editor

nano newfile : opens newfile for editing

echo text : prints text on the screen

Output Redirection

cmd > file : redirects stdout to file

echo "text" >> file : appends "text" to file

cmd 2> file : redirects stderr to file

cmd 2>&1 file : redirects stderr and stdout to both terminal and file

Process Management

ps : Display your currently active processes

top : display all running processes

htop : more interactive and colorful version of top

kill pid : kill process with id pid

killall proc : kill all processes named proc*

System info

date : show the current date and time

cal : show this month's calendar

uptime : show current uptime

uname -a : show all kernel information

cat /proc/cpuinfo : show cpu information

cat /proc/meminfo : show memory information

df : show disk usage

du : show directory space usage

free : show memory and swap usage

whereis app : show possible location of app

which app : show which app will be run by default


man command : shows manual for command

command --help or command -h : (almost always) shows short help about the command


ping host : ping host and output results

whois domain : get whois information for domain

dig domain : get DNS information for domain

dig -x host : reverse lookup host

wget file : download file

wget -c file : continue a stopped download


Install from repository

Ubuntu/Debian based systems

sudo apt-get update or sudo apt update: updates repository list

sudo apt-get upgrade or sudo apt upgrade : installs possible updates

sudo apt-get install package or sudo apt install package : installs package

apt search package or aptitude search package : searches for the package


yum update : updates repository list

yum search package : searches for package

sudo yum install package : installs package

Install from file

sudo dpkg -i package.deb : install package from deb file (Debian)

sudo rpm -Uvh package.rm : install package from rpm file (Fedora)

Install from source



make install

May require sudo. Read the README for the source before proceeding.


Awesome bash

Linux Journey


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