Find one viable project idea each day, and add it to the list.
Having something to contribute to the rest of the world matters to me. Doing something that I perceive as worthwhile is the definition of meaning, and I have felt a distinct lack of it. I want that to change.
I am tired of being the one reading Hacker News threads with "I had this random idea and now I make $1 million a month!" and having to recognize that pang of jealousy somewhere deep down. We all have it. I cheer their success and rather than be jealous of it, want my own. You have to start somewhere.
#What A viable project idea is one that I define as:
- Can be executed to MVP status in a weekend or less
- Does not require a huge cash outlay (but may not be free to start - domain name registrations or AWS accounts, etc.)
- Doesn't require massive licensing or rights purchases. Sports stuff is great but unless you have $4 billion you're not getting into that business.
- Isn't overly complex: learning the intricate details of an entire industry
- Doesn't require large amounts of product sourcing (for example, building a "new kind of computer")
#Accountability For now, there's nobody. That's one of my project ideas.
My goal is to add one idea to the list each day. For now, I have set a daily Google Calendar reminder and a daily Slack reminder, both at 10am. Daily - including weekends.
To keep this simple, I'm going to keep this list here:
- Let's encrypt, free SSL certificates
- Cheap domain registration
- Republic
- Fiverr
- Upwork
Until these have been exhausted, recording them here:
- Ask HN
- IndieHackers
- AI, AI2
- Developer social graph
- Rich people news
- Xmarks - feel like there's something here. Users can analyze their own habits and interests?
- TakeAim
#License MIT License, do what you will with this repo :)