This is the landing page for demos, and example code written for htm.java.
htm.java is the official Java port of the Numenta Platform for Intelligent Computing (NuPIC). It is totally community driven (by people like yourself), and thrives due to the efforts of those willing to donate their free time to supporting what they feel is an important technology.
Demo files and example programs can be downloaded from their respective directories here, for now they are not on a maven central repo as is htm.java.
You can come have a chat with everybody here:
Or for more detailed questions about htm.java specifically, come chat with us here:
For a more detailed discussion of htm.java see:
NOTE: Minimum JavaSE version is 1.8
Originally these examples resided in the htm.java repository and were transitioned to this location because they were making the core htm.java project a bit unwieldy as they grew in size. So we created a new repository so that htm.java could be leaner, meaner and easier to include in your projects.
In this repository you will find everything from example code snippets to full fledged demos with complex Graphical User Interfaces. Here's a list of the code that can be found here as of this writing:
- Breaking News Demo
- Fox Eats Demo
- Hot Gym Demo
- Quick Test - A look at how to piece together individual algorithms without using the Network API (For more information on getting the Network API up and running quickly, see: NAPI)
- SP Example