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Pretrained models

AinaIanemahy edited this page Nov 23, 2020 · 1 revision

We do provide pretrained models which can be used to try out the pipeline and the reproduction of results. The content of this page can also be found in the main README

Note: When you run either of the above commands for the first time, they will download large files: our trained model file, a compiled jar file to support output graph formats, as well as BERT embeddings.

Reproducing our experiment results

From the main directory, run bash scripts/ with the following arguments (or with -h for help):

  • -i the input file, e.g. for the SDP corpora (DM, PAS, PSD) a .sdp file such as the in-domain test file of the DM corpus. For EDS, make this the test.amr file that contains the gold graphs in PENMAN notation. For AMR, use the directory which contains all the test corpus files (e.g. data/amrs/split/test/ in the official AMR corpora). You must provide these files.
  • -T the type of graph bank you want to parse for, the options are DM, PAS, PSD, EDS or AMR
  • -o the desired output folder (this will contain the final parsing output, but also several intermediary files)

For example, say you want to do DM parsing and INPUT is the path to your sdp file, then

bash scripts/ -i INPUT -T DM -o example/

will create a file DM.sdp in the example folder with graphs for the sentences in INPUT, as well as print evaluation scores compared to the gold graphs in INPUT.

With this pre-trained model (this is the MTL+BERT version, corresponding to the bottom-most line in Table 1 in the paper) you should get (labeled) F-scores close to the following on the test sets:

DM id DM ood PAS id PAS ood PSD id PSD ood EDS (Smatch) EDS (EDM) AMR 2017
94.1 90.5 94.9 92.9 81.8 81.6 90.4 85.2 76.3

The F-score for AMR 2017 is considerably better than published in the paper and stems from fixing bugs in the postprocessing. Please note that these evaluation scores were obtained without the -f option and your results might differ slightly depending on your CPU because the parser uses a timeout. This is mainly relevant for AMR. We used Intel Xeon E5-2687W v3 processors.

Getting graphs from raw text

From the main directory, run bash scripts/ with the following arguments (or with -h for help):

  • -i the input file with one sentence per line. These must already be tokenized. An example is in example/input.txt.
  • -T the type of graph bank you want to parse for, options are DM, PAS, PSD, EDS or AMR.
  • -o the desired output folder (this will contain the final parsing output, but also several intermediary files)

For example, say you want to do DM parsing and INPUT is the path to your sdp file, then

bash scripts/ -i example/input.txt -T DM -o example/

will create a file DM.sdp in the example folder with graphs for the sentences in example/input.txt.


  • This uses the BERT multitask version. In particular, the AMR 2017 training set was used and results on the AMR 2015 test set are not comparable.
  • When parsing graphs from raw text, the model used was trained without embeddings for lemmas, POS tags and named entities and thus is not directly comparable to the results from the paper.
  • In contrast to the ACL 2019 experiments, we now use a new formalization of the type system. If you absolutely want to use the old implementation and formalization, use the old_types branch and a version of am-tools from February 2020.

After the bugix in AMR postprocessing, the parser achieves the following Smatch scores on the test set (average of 5 runs and standard deviations):

AMR 2015 AMR 2017
Single task, GloVe 70.0 +- 0.1 71.2 +- 0.1
Single task, BERT 75.1 +- 0.1 76.0 +- 0.2