This library is a QR code decoder/reader for HTML5 enabled browser.
Just run $ bower install qrcode-decoder-js
Include the library <script src="path/to/qrcode-decoder-js/lib/qrcode-decoder.min.js"></script>
Set qrcode.callback
to function "func(data)", where data will get the decoded information.
- Decode image with:
qrcode.decode(url or DataURL)
- Decode from canvas with "qr-canvas" ID:
If you want to improve the code and send your pull request, you will need:
Clone this repository
$ git clone
$ cd qrcode-decoder-js
Install dev dependencies
$ npm install
To compile and minify the lib
$ grunt compile
There is a convinent Gruntfile.js for automation during editing the code
$ grunt
This repo is a fork and port of Lazar Laszlo's jsqrcode.
Because I use this awesome library in my personal projects/work and I noticed that was not updated/improved since several months ago.