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Multi-threaded State Machine Replication

Machines: three replicas to hold server programs, one client machine. Server machine: 12 cores with hyperthreading. The number of cores on these server machines is critical, because our crane/eval-container/configs/*.sh files specified 8~12 as the concurrency level. If your servers do not have 24 cores, you had better decrease these concurrency levels in these *.sh files. Client machine: we used a 8 core machine. The number of cores on this machine is not critical. OS: ubuntu 14.04 64bit. Gcc: 4.8.

Install depdendent libraries/tools. Use ubuntu 14.04 hardy, with amd64.

sudo apt-get install build-essential sudo apt-get install libboost-dev git subversion nano libconfig-dev libevent-dev
libsqlite3-dev libdb-dev libboost-system-dev autoconf m4 dejagnu flex bison axel zlib1g-dev
libbz2-dev libxml-libxml-perl python-pip python-setuptools python-dev libxslt1-dev libxml2-dev
wget curl php5-cgi psmisc mencoder sysbench sudo pip install numpy sudo pip install OutputCheck (this utility is only required by the testing framework)

  1. Commands to checkout a brand-new project: Please make sure the absolute paths of the "crane" repo are the same on all the machines, including the three replica machines and the client machine, because our script uses parallel-ssh to run the whole system, so the same crane path setting on all these four machines is required.

git clone cd $MSMR_ROOT git pull

  1. Set env vars in ~/.bashrc. export MSMR_ROOT= export XTERN_ROOT=<absolute path of crane/xtern> export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$MSMR_ROOT/libevent_paxos/.local/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

  2. Compile xtern.

cd $XTERN_ROOT mkdir obj cd obj ./../configure --prefix=$XTERN_ROOT/install make clean; make; make install

Note: for xtern, for everytime you pull the latest project from github, please run:

cd $XTERN_ROOT/obj make clean; make; make install

  1. Compile libevent_paxos.

cd $MSMR_ROOT/libevent_paxos ./mk make clean; make TBD. reconfigure IP addresses for Crane.

  1. Install analysis tools. (1) Install valgrind.

sudo apt-get install valgrind

(2) Install dynamorio.

sudo apt-get install cmake doxygen transfig imagemagick ghostscript subversion sudo su root cd /usr/share/ git clone cd dynamorio && mkdir build && cd build cmake .. && make -j && make drcov cd tools && ln -s $PWD/../drcov.drrun64 . mkdir lib64 && cd lib64 && mkdir release && cd release ln -s $PWD/../../../clients/lib64/release/ . exit (exit from sudoer)

Test dynamorio with the "drcov" code coverage tool. If these commands succeed, run "ls -l *.log" in current directory.

/usr/share/dynamorio/build/bin64/drrun -t drcov -- ls -l /usr/share/dynamorio/build/bin64/drrun -t drcov -- /bin/bash $XTERN_ROOT/scripts/ ls -l

  1. Install lxc 1.1 (in the host OS)

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-lxc/daily sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install lxc lxc-create --version 1.1.0 Create a new container named "u1" (if this container does not exist in /var/lib/lxc/u1) sudo lxc-create -t ubuntu -n u1 -- -r trusty -a amd64 This command will take a few minutes to download all trusty (14.04) initial packages.

Start the server for the first time, so that we have "/var/lib/lxc/u1/config and /var/lib/lxc/u1/fstab".

sudo lxc-start -n u1 sudo lxc-stop -n u1

Config u1 fstab to share memory between the proxy (in host OS) and the server process (in container).

sudo echo "/dev/shm dev/shm none bind,create=dir" > /var/lib/lxc/u1/fstab

Append these lines to /var/lib/lxc/u1/config

for crane project. = lxc.console = none lxc.tty = 0 lxc.cgroup.devices.deny = c 5:1 rwm lxc.rootfs = /var/lib/lxc/u1/rootfs lxc.mount = /var/lib/lxc/u1/fstab = proc:rw sys:rw cgroup-full:rw lxc.aa_profile = unconfined

And restart the container.

sudo lxc-start -n u1 Check the IP. ssh [email protected] Enter password: "ubuntu" This "ubuntu" user is already a sudoer. Then, you are free to install crane, gcc, criu, and other packages in this container.

Add your own username into the lxc without asking password anymore. For example, in bug03 machine: Generate a private/public key pair, put it into your ~/.ssh/. Rename the private key to be ~/.ssh/lxc_priv_key Append the public key to the u1 container's ~/.ssh/auth..._keys Then

ssh [email protected] -i ~/.ssh/lxc_priv_key Make sure you can login without entering password. When you run sudo in the u1 container, avoid asking sudo password, append this line to /etc/sudoers ruigu ALL = NOPASSWD : ALL

  1. Install CRIU (just one way installation work, in the u1 container).

cd $MSMR_ROOT/tools/criu/ wget tar jxvf criu-1.6.tar.bz2 sudo apt-get install libprotobuf-dev libprotoc-dev protobuf-c-compiler
libprotobuf-c0 libprotobuf-c0-dev asciidoc bsdmainutils protobuf-compiler cd criu-1.6 make -j sudo make install (the PREFIX directory for criu by default is /usr/local/) which criu /usr/local/sbin/criu

  1. Install server applications depending on which one you would like to run. Currently we have tested Crane with these servers: mongoose, apache, clamav, mediatomb, and mysql.

cd $MSMR_ROOT/apps/apache ./mk

  1. Config the IPs of three replicas and one client machine. The default IPs are already set for the RCS@Columbia team, so if you are in this team, you don't need to run this command. You will need three replica machines to host servers, and one client machine. For instance, in our Crane project, our client machine is, three replicas: ( (head),, If your machine IPs are not this setting, please run these same commands on all the replica (server) machines:

cd $MSMR_ROOT/eval-container ./ "

For instance, we ran this same command (including the order of IPs) on,,


  1. Run apache with Crane. Run the below commands on your "client" machine (not any server machine).

But, please first make sure the firewalls of our client and replica machines are correctly set so that your client machine can indeed sent requests to the server machines. To verify this, you can just manually start an apache server on each replica (server) machine, and manually launch a "ab" client benchmark on your client machine, and see whether ab gets responses correctly.

For instance, these commands are ran on our client machine:

cd $MSMR_ROOT/eval-container ./ configs/ no_build joint_sched 1 Run the apache un-replicated nondeterministic execution. ./ configs/ no_build orig 1 Run the apache with proxy (paxos) only. ./ configs/ no_build proxy_only 1 Run the apache with DMT (Parrot) only. ./ configs/ no_build xtern_only 1

Below are one sample output from the ab server, if you ran any one of the above "" commands.

This is ApacheBench, Version 2.3 <$Revision: 655654 $> Copyright 1996 Adam Twiss, Zeus Technology Ltd, Licensed to The Apache Software Foundation,

Benchmarking (be patient)

Server Software: Apache/2.2.11 Server Hostname: Server Port: 9000

Document Path: /test.php Document Length: 27 bytes

Concurrency Level: 8 Time taken for tests: 148.135 seconds Complete requests: 1000 Failed requests: 0 Write errors: 0 Total transferred: 212000 bytes HTML transferred: 27000 bytes Requests per second: 6.75 [#/sec] (mean) Time per request: 1185.077 [ms] (mean) Time per request: 148.135 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests) ***** This number is the one that Crane's evaluation grabs. Transfer rate: 1.40 [Kbytes/sec] received

Connection Times (ms) min mean[+/-sd] median max Connect: 0 0 0.1 0 1 Processing: 1151 1185 39.2 1177 1543 Waiting: 1150 1184 39.2 1176 1542 Total: 1151 1185 39.2 1177 1543

Percentage of the requests served within a certain time (ms) 50% 1177 66% 1182 75% 1186 80% 1190 90% 1211 95% 1230 98% 1262 99% 1329 100% 1543 (longest request)