Collection of dotfiles
mklink /j ~/.vim/vim-include .vim/vim-include
Folder containing vim files but I migrated to neovim
Folder containing neovim configs
Dependencies: git ripgrep fdfind gcc make sqlite3 msys2 pwsh
Latter two are required for Windows only
New-Item -ItemType Junction -Path $ENV:LocalAppdata\nvim -Target nvim
Neovide config.toml file for symlink
New-Item -ItemType Junction -Path $ENV:Appdata\neovide -Target neovide
Useful Ubuntu bootstrap commands in case I reinstall wsl
chmod +x
Does what Ubuntu script does in Debian but because Debian installed in WSL doesn't have wget nor curl, manually copying the script is the preferred method of installing this script
This folder contains docker compose related files to run open-webui
This folder contains some sample codes to test LSP functionality