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added TsptwRealData + dependencies
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Tom committed Feb 18, 2022
1 parent fb2c249 commit 63ae9e8
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Showing 2 changed files with 214 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/datagen/datagen.jl
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Expand Up @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ using Distributions
213 changes: 213 additions & 0 deletions src/datagen/tsptwRealData.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
using SeaPearl
using Random
struct TsptwGeneratorFromRealData <: SeaPearl.AbstractModelGenerator
This generator is a variant of the TsptwGenerator developped by Kim Rioux-Paradis based on real data to generate instances of size less than or equal to 500.
However, this generator cannot be used exactly like TsptwGenerator since we do not have access to the absolute positions of the nodes but only to the distance matrix. Therefore it is not possible to fill the model.adhocInfos exactly as TsptwGenerator does. It is therefore not possible to reuse the functions using its information (TsptwReward for example)
However, there are several methods to generate an approximation (up to a rotation) of this position matrix. See :
struct TsptwGeneratorFromRealData <: SeaPearl.AbstractModelGenerator
max_tw_gap::Int # Maximum time windows gap allowed between the cities constituing the feasible tour
max_tw::Int # Maximum time windows upper bound

TsptwGeneratorFromRealData(n_city::Int, max_tw_gap::Int, max_tw::Int, pourcent_max_tw::Int64, file::String) = TsptwGeneratorFromRealData(n_city, max_tw_gap, max_tw, pourcent_max_tw, file, true)

fill_with_generator!(cpmodel::CPModel, gen::TsptwGeneratorFromRealData)::CPModel
Fill a CPModel with the variables and constraints generated. We fill it directly instead of
creating temporary files for efficiency purpose !
Basicaly finds positions with a uniform distributions, then sets the time windows by creating a feasible tour and adding
some randomness by using uniform distributions with gap and the length of the time windows.
function fill_with_generator!(cpmodel::SeaPearl.CPModel, gen::TsptwGeneratorFromRealData; seed=nothing, dist = nothing, timeWindows=nothing)
if !isnothing(seed)
lines = ""
open(gen.file, "r") do openedFile
input = read(openedFile, String)
lines = split(input, '\n')
max_city = parse(Int64, lines[1])
distance = zeros(Int64, max_city, max_city)
timeWindow = zeros(Int64, max_city, 2)
for i in 1:max_city
di = split(lines[i + 1], " ")
for j in 1:max_city
distance[i,j] = parse(Int64, di[j])

for i in 1:max_city
ti = split(lines[i + 1 + max_city], " ")
ti = filter!(e->e"",ti)
timeWindow[i,1] = parse(Int64, ti[1])
timeWindow[i,2] = parse(Int64, ti[2])

perm = shuffle(1:max_city)
randomCity = randperm!(perm)[1:gen.n_city]
dist = zeros(Int64, gen.n_city, gen.n_city)
timeWindows = zeros(Int64, gen.n_city, 2)
maxTW = floor(Int, gen.pourcent_max_tw * gen.n_city / 100)
for i in 1:gen.n_city
for j in 1:gen.n_city
dist[i, j] = distance[randomCity[i], randomCity[j]]
maxValue = sum(dist[i,j] for i in 1:gen.n_city, j in 1:gen.n_city)

for i in 1:maxTW
timeWindows[i, 1] = timeWindow[randomCity[i], 1]
timeWindows[i, 2] = timeWindow[randomCity[i], 2]
for i in maxTW+1:gen.n_city
timeWindows[i, 1] = 0
timeWindows[i, 2] = maxValue

random_solution = [1, shuffle(Vector(2:gen.n_city))]

#TODO need to find a way to retrieve coordinates of points from
#x_pos = zeros(gen.n_city)
#y_pos = zeros(gen.n_city)
#grid_size = 0
#cpmodel.adhocInfo = dist, timeWindows, hcat(x_pos, y_pos), grid_size

max_upper_tw = maxValue

### Filling the CPModel
## Creating variables
m = [SeaPearl.IntSetVar(1, gen.n_city, "m_"*string(i), cpmodel.trailer) for i in 1:gen.n_city] # Remaining cities to visit
v = [SeaPearl.IntVar(1, gen.n_city, "v_"*string(i), cpmodel.trailer) for i in 1:gen.n_city] # Last customer
t = [SeaPearl.IntVar(0, max_upper_tw, "t_"*string(i), cpmodel.trailer) for i in 1:gen.n_city] # Current time
a = [SeaPearl.IntVar(1, gen.n_city, "a_"*string(i), cpmodel.trailer) for i in 1:(gen.n_city-1)] # Action: serving customer a_i at stage i
c = [SeaPearl.IntVar(0, max_upper_tw, "c_"*string(i), cpmodel.trailer) for i in 1:gen.n_city] # Current cost
total_cost = SeaPearl.IntVar(0, max_upper_tw, "total_cost", cpmodel.trailer)
SeaPearl.addVariable!(cpmodel, total_cost; branchable=false)
for i in 1:gen.n_city
SeaPearl.addVariable!(cpmodel, m[i]; branchable=false)
SeaPearl.addVariable!(cpmodel, v[i]; branchable=false)
SeaPearl.addVariable!(cpmodel, t[i]; branchable=false)
if i != gen.n_city
SeaPearl.addVariable!(cpmodel, a[i]; branchable=true)
SeaPearl.addVariable!(cpmodel, c[i]; branchable=false)

## Intermediaries
d = [SeaPearl.IntVar(0, Base.maximum(dist), "d_"*string(i), cpmodel.trailer) for i in 1:gen.n_city] # d[v_i, a_i]
lowers = [SeaPearl.IntVar(0, max_upper_tw, "td_"*string(i), cpmodel.trailer) for i in 1:(gen.n_city-1)] # t + d[v_i, a_i]
lower_ai = [SeaPearl.IntVar(0, max_upper_tw, "lower_ai_"*string(i), cpmodel.trailer) for i in 1:(gen.n_city-1)] # timeWindows[i, 1]
upper_tw_minus_1 = [SeaPearl.IntVar(timeWindows[i, 2] - 1, timeWindows[i, 2] - 1, "upper_tw_"*string(i), cpmodel.trailer) for i in 1:gen.n_city] # timeWindows[i, 2] + 1
one_var = SeaPearl.IntVar(1, 1, "one", cpmodel.trailer)
upper_ai = [SeaPearl.IntVar(0, max_upper_tw, "upper_ai_"*string(i), cpmodel.trailer) for i in 1:(gen.n_city-1)] # timeWindows[a_i, 2]
j_index = [SeaPearl.IntVarViewMul(one_var, j, "index_"*string(j)) for j in 1:gen.n_city]

still_time = Array{SeaPearl.BoolVar, 2}(undef, (gen.n_city, gen.n_city))
j_in_m_i = Array{SeaPearl.BoolVar, 2}(undef, (gen.n_city, gen.n_city))
for i in 1:gen.n_city
for j in 1:gen.n_city
still_time[i, j] = SeaPearl.BoolVar("s_t_"*string(i)*"_"*string(j), cpmodel.trailer) # t_i < upper_bound[j]
j_in_m_i[i, j] = SeaPearl.BoolVar(string(j)*"_in_m_"*string(i), cpmodel.trailer) # t_i < upper_bound[j]

SeaPearl.addVariable!(cpmodel, one_var; branchable=false)
for i in 1:gen.n_city
SeaPearl.addVariable!(cpmodel, d[i]; branchable=false)
SeaPearl.addVariable!(cpmodel, upper_tw_minus_1[i]; branchable=false)
if gen.pruning
SeaPearl.addVariable!(cpmodel, j_index[i]; branchable=false)
if i != gen.n_city
SeaPearl.addVariable!(cpmodel, lower_ai[i]; branchable=false)
SeaPearl.addVariable!(cpmodel, upper_ai[i]; branchable=false)
SeaPearl.addVariable!(cpmodel, lowers[i]; branchable=false)
for j in 1:gen.n_city
if gen.pruning
SeaPearl.addVariable!(cpmodel, j_in_m_i[i, j]; branchable=false)
SeaPearl.addVariable!(cpmodel, still_time[i, j]; branchable=false)

## Constraints
# Initialization
SeaPearl.addConstraint!(cpmodel, SeaPearl.EqualConstant(t[1], 0, cpmodel.trailer))
SeaPearl.addConstraint!(cpmodel, SeaPearl.EqualConstant(v[1], 1, cpmodel.trailer))
SeaPearl.addConstraint!(cpmodel, SeaPearl.EqualConstant(c[1], 0, cpmodel.trailer))
SeaPearl.addConstraint!(cpmodel, SeaPearl.SetEqualConstant(m[1], Set{Int}(collect(2:gen.n_city)), cpmodel.trailer))

# Variable definition
for i in 1:(gen.n_city - 1)
# m[i+1] = m[i] \ a[i]
SeaPearl.addConstraint!(cpmodel, SeaPearl.SetDiffSingleton(m[i+1], m[i], a[i], cpmodel.trailer))

# v[i+1] = a[i]
SeaPearl.addConstraint!(cpmodel, SeaPearl.Equal(v[i+1], a[i], cpmodel.trailer))

# t[i+1] = max(lowers[i], lower_ai[i])
SeaPearl.addConstraint!(cpmodel, SeaPearl.BinaryMaximumBC(t[i+1], lowers[i], lower_ai[i], cpmodel.trailer))

# c[i + 1] = c[i] + d[i]
SeaPearl.addConstraint!(cpmodel, SeaPearl.SumToZero(SeaPearl.AbstractIntVar[c[i], d[i], SeaPearl.IntVarViewOpposite(c[i+1], "-c_"*string(i+1))], cpmodel.trailer))

# upper_ai = timeWindows[a_i, 2]
SeaPearl.addConstraint!(cpmodel, SeaPearl.Element1D(timeWindows[:, 2], a[i], upper_ai[i], cpmodel.trailer))

# lower_ai = timeWindows[a_i, 1]
SeaPearl.addConstraint!(cpmodel, SeaPearl.Element1D(timeWindows[:, 1], a[i], lower_ai[i], cpmodel.trailer))

# d[i] = dist[v[i], a[i]]
SeaPearl.addConstraint!(cpmodel, SeaPearl.Element2D(dist, v[i], a[i], d[i], cpmodel.trailer))
# lowers[i] = t[i] + d[i]
SeaPearl.addConstraint!(cpmodel, SeaPearl.SumToZero(SeaPearl.AbstractIntVar[t[i], d[i], SeaPearl.IntVarViewOpposite(lowers[i], "-td_"*string(i))], cpmodel.trailer))
# d[n] = dist[a[n-1], 1]
SeaPearl.addConstraint!(cpmodel, SeaPearl.Element2D(dist, a[gen.n_city-1], one_var, d[gen.n_city], cpmodel.trailer))
# total_cost = c[n] + d[n]
SeaPearl.addConstraint!(cpmodel, SeaPearl.SumToZero(SeaPearl.AbstractIntVar[c[gen.n_city], d[gen.n_city], SeaPearl.IntVarViewOpposite(total_cost, "-total_cost")], cpmodel.trailer))

# Validity constraints
for i in 1:(gen.n_city - 1)
# a[i] ∈ m[i]
SeaPearl.addConstraint!(cpmodel, SeaPearl.InSet(a[i], m[i], cpmodel.trailer))

# lowers[i] <= upper_ai
SeaPearl.addConstraint!(cpmodel, SeaPearl.LessOrEqual(lowers[i], upper_ai[i], cpmodel.trailer))

# Pruning constraints
if gen.pruning
for i in 1:gen.n_city
for j in 1:gen.n_city
# still_time[i, j] = t[i] < upper_tw[j]
SeaPearl.addConstraint!(cpmodel, SeaPearl.isLessOrEqual(still_time[i, j], t[i], upper_tw_minus_1[j], cpmodel.trailer))

# j_in_m_i[i, j] = j_index[j] ∈ m[i]
SeaPearl.addConstraint!(cpmodel, SeaPearl.ReifiedInSet(j_index[j], m[i], j_in_m_i[i, j], cpmodel.trailer))

# t[i] >= upper[j] ⟹ j ∉ m[i]
# ≡ t[i] < upper[j] ⋁ j ∉ m[i]
# ≡ still_time[i, j] ⋁ ¬j_in_m_i[i, j]
SeaPearl.addConstraint!(cpmodel, SeaPearl.BinaryOr(still_time[i, j], SeaPearl.BoolVarViewNot(j_in_m_i[i, j], "¬"*string(j)*"_in_m_"*string(i)), cpmodel.trailer))

# Objective function: min total_cost
return dist, timeWindows

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