OSBCP CSS Squasher is simply a clever CSS squasher tool, written in Java, that converts CSS like this:
a {
width: 100px;
color: red;
b {
width: 100px;
color: red;
c {
color red;
d, e {
margin: 10px;
e, d {
padding: 10px;
To this:
a, b {
width: 100px;
a, b, c {
color: red;
d, e {
margin: 10px;
padding: 10px;
By merging, squashing and refactoring your CSS code and then it uses the YUI Compressor to turn it into this:
Click here for an online demo tool.
Introducing OSBCP CSS Squasher - YUI CSS Compressor gone clever?
Download the latest version here:
java -jar osbcp-css-squasher-x.y.z.jar [input file]
Requires the following libraries in the same folder for Squasher 1.1:
- yuicompressor-2.4.7.jar
- osbcp-css-parser-1.5.jar
- commons-io-2.1.jar
Other wise you you need to type
package com.osbcp.csssdfasher;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils;
import com.osbcp.cssparser.Rule;
import com.osbcp.csssquasher.ResultObject;
import com.osbcp.csssquasher.Squasher;
public class TestApp {
public static void main(final String[] args) throws Exception {
String contents = IOUtils.toString(Squasher.class.getResourceAsStream("stylesheet.css"));
// Squash!
ResultObject results = Squasher.squash(contents);
// Get the original CSS
String originalCSS = results.getOriginalCSS();
// Get the refactored CSS
String refactoredCSS = results.getRefactoredCSS();
// Get the compressed CSS
String comrpressedCSS = results.getCompressedCSS();
// Get all the CSS rules
List<Rule> rules = results.getRules();
// Get the log
String log = results.getLog();
Please view the JavaDoc for additional information.
Here are some fancy numbers compared to just using the YUI Compressor.
Please report any bugs by creating a new issue.
v1.1 2012-04-28
- Added manifest file.
v1.0 2012-02-02 Christoffer Pettersson
- Initial release
OSBCP CSS Squasher Copyright 2012 Christoffer Pettersson, christoffer[at]christoffer.me.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0