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GitHub Issues

Ivan Rudik edited this page May 11, 2019 · 3 revisions

We use GitHub for task management. Issues are used for code-related tasks, all other larger tasks (e.g. track down some raw data, set up a meeting with Amanda) and meeting notes are done through Projects. General project communication (e.g. where's the meeting?) is done through GitHub teams instead of e-mail. Any code-related task that will take more than one hour should be set up as an Issue in the GitHub repo.

Task deliverables

  • Each task should have a final deliverable summarizing the results.
  • The form of the deliverable may be:
    • Code changes or new development.
    • Content added to the draft, slides, or online appendix.
    • A markdown file stored in an /issues/ subdirectory.
    • A final summary comment in the task comment thread (only for small tasks where the deliverable content is no more than a paragraph or so of text)
  • The deliverable should be self-contained. It should usually begin with a concise summary of the conclusions (e.g., answer to an empirical question), followed by supporting detail. A user should be able to learn all relevant results from a task from the deliverable without looking back at the comment thread or task description. The source of any figures, tables, or statistics should also be clear; this will be automatic for markdown files or checked in drafts, slides, etc. so long as figures and tables are produced form links to checked in files in the repository.
  • The final comment at the time a task is closed should include a clear, revision-stable pointer to the deliverable -- usually a link along with additional information if needed (e.g., relevant page / table / figure numbers in the draft).

Creating a task

  • Anyone can create a task
  • If Ivan/other more senior person asks you to do a task (via Slack or in a meeting), you are responsible for recording this in a GitHub Issue and assigning it to yourself. This should be your first step after the meeting so we don't lose track of tasks.
  • The assignee should create a separate git branch for each task that involves code or output stored in the repository. The new branch should be called issue###-brief_description, where ### corresponds with the issue number. Make sure you do not push your changes to master before the task is completed.

Comment threads in GitHub Issues

  • You should add regular comments to tasks summarizing progress. The comment threads are your real estate and you are free to include updates as often as you find useful. Preliminary output, "notes to self," etc. are fine.
  • If you have a question that requires input from another lab member, you should write a comment, including an '@' reference, that makes clear exactly what input is needed. E.g., '@irudik, Where would you like me to store the data files?' Users should keep email notifications for '@' references turned on.
  • It is up to you to judge the optimal time to request feedback. You should usually not send results until you have spent some time making sure they are correct and make sense. When you do request feedback, you should provide a clear and concise summary making clear the situation and exactly what input you need. At the same time, you should not feel shy about requesting feedback when you are confident it will be efficient and valuable.
  • No task should be left for more than two weeks without a comment updating the status, even if the comment only says: "Have not done any work on this task in the last week".
  • The Issues pages are our primary documentation of decisions we are making as we move through the project. If you have an important interaction about a task outside of GitHub -- in person, over Slack, etc. -- add a comment to briefly summarize the content of that interaction and the conclusions reached. The reason is that we don't want to have to search through meeting notes or emails to understand how/why we made a decision 15 months ago.
  • Any link in a comment or the /issues/###-brief_description/* markdown file to other files in the repo should link to the file at a specific commit (see here for details).
  • Any link within an issue to another issue should be hyperlinked using the '#' reference. E.g., #123. Links to issues within the markdown files should also be hyperlinked manually using the same format.

Completing a task

When an assignee thinks a task is complete, (s)he should:

  • Ensure that the deliverable meets our standards as outlined above
  • Submit a pull request to merge the issue-specific branch into the master branch.
  • Pull requests should be titled as follows: "Pull request for #[ORIGINAL ISSUE NO]: [ORIGINAL ISSUE TITLE]"
  • You are empowered to merge your own pull request once you are satisfied.
  • Use a squash merge to merge the issue-specific branch into the master branch.
  • Close the original issue with a link to the pull request and a commit-stable link to the /issues/###-brief_description/* output file (or subdirectory) as the final comment.
  • Delete the issue###-brief_description branch