You can use this BOT to gather messages from various Telegram chats (private/public channels, private/public groups, direct chats) and send them to one or multiple chat locations.
Initially, the bot was made just for myself, but I am also very open if this bot is developed by more people and share views on this ✨, sorry due to the lack of free services to deploy I cannot share the bot's running telegram account, but I share how to deploy this bot into hosting until it runs
⚠ Documentation is still a work in progress ⚠
📃 Documentation:
- User-friendly Dashboard
- Forwards chats (public or private)
- Next Feature ? Ongoing 😁
Menu | Fitur | Deskripsi |
✅ | getuser | GET ID - Name User |
✅ | getgroup | GET ID - Name Group |
✅ | getchannel | GET ID - Name Channel |
✅ | forward | Setup auto forward |
✅ | connect | Setup Account |
Clone this project with git, previously download git, and nodejs, search on google
git clone
npm i
Before using it, you can make a bot first with botFather read how to make it and get the Bot TOKEN Telegram Bot
Because this bot is an auto forward, also register this app to telegram here myTelegram
> Make sure you already have or put the Bot TOKEN and other feature API KEY in the environment (process.env.{name_env})
> create a file .env
> fill in the field with
BOT_TOKEN=<Token Bot>
> If so, run the bot with npm run dev
> to convert all code into javascript you can use `npm run build`.
👉 Need detailed documentation? Here's how to use this bot
Penggunaan Worker
how to run this bot on local server (personal computer) ?
Pull requests are welcome. If you have any suggestions, you can also create an issue.