Build Docker image:
docker build -t data_jhu_population .
You need to set the following environment variables in the Docker container to run it:
GC_NEO4J_URL: URL of Neo4j instance
GC_NEO4J_USER: Neo4j username
GC_NEO4J_PASSWORD: Neo4j password
RUN_MODE: test or full
The test
mode runs some basic tests including availability of files. it is meant to be executed at runtime
in a data loading pipeline. The goal is to hae some basic sanity checks and avoid long running downloads if something is wrong.
This is only a part of the full test suit that is executed as part of CI.
Run the container:
docker run --env GC_NEO4J_URL=bolt://myhost:7687 --env GC_NEO4J_USER=neo4j --env GC_NEO4J_PASSWORD=password --env RUN_MODE=test data_jhu_population
Confirmed/death/recovered per country
MATCH (c:Country)<-[:PART_OF]-(p:Province)-[:REPORTED]->(u:DailyReport:Latest)
WHERE = 'China'
RETURN, sum(u.confirmed)
Confirmed cases for one country (percentage of the total population)
MATCH (c:Country)-[r:CURRENT_TOTAL]->(:AgeGroup)
WHERE = 'China'
WITH c, sum(r.count) AS total_population
MATCH (c)<-[:PART_OF]-(:Province)-[:REPORTED]->(u:DailyReport:Latest)
WITH AS Country, sum(u.confirmed) as Confirmed, max( AS Update, total_population AS Population
RETURN Country, Population, Confirmed, (toFloat(Confirmed)/Population)*100 AS percent
Confirmed cases per country (percentage of the total population)
MATCH (c:Country)-[r:CURRENT_TOTAL]->(:AgeGroup)
WITH c, sum(r.count) AS total_population
MATCH (c)<-[:PART_OF]-(:Province)-[:REPORTED]->(u:DailyReport:Latest)
WITH AS Country, sum(u.confirmed) as Confirmed, max( AS Update, total_population AS Population
RETURN Country, Population, Confirmed, (toFloat(Confirmed)/Population)*100 AS percent ORDER BY percent DESC
Confirmed cases (total and percentage) for all entries for a country (one row for each province, many rows for China) -> query works only for countries that have only one province
MATCH (c:Country)-[r:CURRENT_TOTAL]->(:AgeGroup)
WHERE = 'Germany'
WITH c, sum(r.count) AS population
MATCH (c)<-[:PART_OF]-(p:Province)-[:REPORTED]->(u:DailyReport)
RETURN DISTINCT,,, population, u.confirmed, (toFloat(u.confirmed)/population)*100 AS percent ORDER BY DESC LIMIT 10
Timeline of confirmed cases by country (aggregated over all provinces)
MATCH (c:Country)<-[:PART_OF]-(:Province)-[:REPORTED]->(u:DailyReport)
WHERE = 'China'
WITH DISTINCT [,,] AS date, sum(u.confirmed) AS sum
RETURN date, sum ORDER BY date
- problem: not every province for China is reported every day, thus the sum of all confirmed cases on data e.g. 18.03. does not equal the total nunber of confirmed cases at that date (because province X did report last on 17.03.)
Number of people older than 70 in a country
match (c:Country)-[r:CURRENT_TOTAL]-(ag:AgeGroup)
WHERE = 'Germany' AND ag.start >= 70
RETURN sum(r.count)
John Hopkins University (JHU) aggregates data from WHO and other health organizations in a daily report. It contains the number of confirmed cases, deaths and recovered patients.
Dashboard: Data:
The UN gathers data on world population statistics and publishes the world population prospects:
The latest data set in CSV format can be found here: