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Cozy Flagship App

The flagship app is meant to get all your Cozy in a single mobile app. This notably includes the possiblity to run client-side konnectors, to get your data without any server-side scraping.

Setup / Requirements

  • Node 16
  • React-Native Environnement setup
    • Please follow the React Native CLI part and make sure all the requirements are met with the correct versions.
  • [iOS only] Install XCode
  • [Android only] Install Android Studio (or Android SDK)
  • [Android only] Java 11
  • [Android only] Copy the Android's debug.keystore from Cozy's password-store into android/app/debug.keystore
    • Run pass show app-amirale/Certificates/debug.keystore > android/app/debug.keystore
    • If you don't have access to Cozy's password-store, just generate a new debug.keystore file
      • Run keytool -genkey -v -keystore android/app/debug.keystore -storepass android -alias androiddebugkey -keypass android -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000
  • [Android only] Fix build tools issue

Create and configure the env file

Create the env file: cp .env.example .env

Brand configuration

You need some configuration depending on your brand needs. As you probably just need the official Cozy brand, just run:

yarn brand:configure:cozy.

Sentry configuration

If you are a Cozy developer, please get the actual Sentry configuration in the env file. For this, you need to decrypt the cozy-react-native/ file in the password-store-team repository and add it in .env file as SENTRY_AUTH_TOKEN.

Run the Cozy Flagship App

First time

Note: Before running the app, please copy cozy-home files locally first. See How to install cozy-home in local assets

# Download Dependencies
$ yarn

# Run native server
$ yarn start # (must be started for the following commands)

# Run on Android Device
$ yarn android

# Run on iOS Device
$ cd ios && pod install # Only the first time
$ yarn ios

Do not forget to check our Tips for a better developer experience !

More information about Android variant here.

Working with local stack

If you need to access a local instance, do not forget to enable the --host and mailhog options: $ cozy-stack serve --host --mailhog

You also need a running mailhog server. To have more details about how to send mails, see here.

Working with locally hosted webviews

The easiest way to develop on locally hosted webviews (like any Cozy apps like Drive or Contacts) is to :

  • build your cozy-app
  • change the version number in the cozy-app's build/manifest.webapp
  • open the flagship app and go to home cozy-app
  • go to your cozy-app and wait 10s => flagship app will download the just builded version in background
  • go to home cozy-app
  • go to your cozy-app => you will be on the just builded version

Alternatively, you can also see the following sections to work with hot reload. It is not guaranteed to work and we strongly advice to try at least one time without hot reload.

On Android

  • Create a cozy instance with the following format :, so the webview browser has access to cozy-stack instances thanks to the redirection done by being the local IP address of your emulator. If you are working with a physical device, use you computer local IP, e.g. Note your device must be on the same network.
  • Launch your cozy app with DEV_HOST=(some accessible local IP) preceding the actual start command, so the webview browser has access to webpack dev server assets. See some examples below:
    • DEV_HOST="$(ip -4 address show eth0| grep -Po 'inet [^/]+' | cut -d' ' -f2)" yarn start
    • DEV_HOST="$(hostname -I | xargs)" yarn start
  • Disable the local httpServer by setting to true disableGetIndex in src/constants/dev-config.ts
  • Your webview browser should now be able to use a locally hosted cozy-app in development/hot-reload mode

You can then connect to your local stack using the following URL :

On iOS simulator

  • Create a cozy instance with the * format
  • Disable the local httpServer by setting to true disableGetIndex in src/constants/dev-config.ts
  • Your webview browser should now be able to use a locally hosted cozy-app in development/hot-reload mode

Run App tests

$ yarn test


Android: To get native log on Android:

adb logcat --pid=$(adb shell pidof -s

Use flipper to have access to a React Native Debuguer. If you are running MacOS on a M1 or M2 computer, use this optimized version instead.

To have access to the AsyncStorage content you can install async-storage-advanced plugin (see #270 for more information).

A guide for debugging in release mode can be found here: How to retrieve logs in release mode

Inspecting a webview


In order to inspect the content of the webview & get access to the console: In chrome: chrome://inspect/#devices

(you can read for more informations)


If you have an iOS >= 16.4 you need to do the following:

Add :

#if __MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED >= 130300 || \
    __IPHONE_OS_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED >= 160400 || \
    if (@available(macos 13.3, ios 16.4, tvOS 16.4, *)) {
        _webView.inspectable = YES;

to the RNCWebview.m file within the didMoveToWindow function (line ~340)

Then you can inspect the content from Safari

See for more information

Build an offline apk

  • First, you must have yarn start running in another terminal
  • Then run ./scripts/
  • The output will give you the path to the apk


After installation of every npm packages, yarn applies patches to react-native-webview. Patch-package is a utility is used to apply the patches located in the patches folder.


When installation has already succeeded, and a rebase happens, sometimes, it is hard to well update the App. Here is the full list of instructions you can follow to avoid most of the issues:

  1. Start Mailhog by running mailhog in the terminal (see howTos/dev/sendmail)
  2. Install and start cozy-stack with cozy-home project correctly
More details how to start cozy-stack correctly with cozy-home

a. For more details on how to create a dev environment read cozy-stack documentation and cozy-home documentation

b. For cozy-react-native important parameters to run cozy-stack are:

  • --appdir home:/PATH_TO/cozy/cozy-home/build - configure your local cozy-home project
  • --host - allow access from local network
  • --mail-port 1025 --mail-disable-tls - configure email server (see howTos/dev/sendmail)
  1. Start cozy-home (later you can start with locally hosted webviews) cd cozy/cozy-home && git checkout origin/master && git fetch && yarn && yarn start
  2. Install and Start React Native cd cozy/cozy-react-native/ && git checkout origin/master && git fetch && yarn && yarn start
  3. Start the emulator
Starting iOS emulator

a. Install iOS dependencies cd cozy/cozy-react-native/ios && pod install

b. Start Xcode

c. Choose a simulator model in the devices menu

d. Click on Play button to build app, that start simulator

Starting Android emulator

a. Run Android app on emulator `yarn android --variant=devDebug`

  1. To connect, use if is your ifconfig and after creating a URL from it. a. When using a URL, you must create a cozy-stack instance with the same FQDN (ex:

Fix build tools error

To avoid the error Installed Build Tools revision 33.0.0 is corrupted. Remove and install again using the SDK Manager., run the commands below:

cd $ANDROID_HOME/build-tools/33.0.0
mv d8 dx
cd lib
mv d8.jar dx.jar

More information.

Common errors

  • XCode: error: An organization slug is required

Read the Sentry configuration paragraph above.

  • Application blocked on the Splashscreen

Verify that the Cozy you are login into is using the last version of cozy-home, and try again

  • Error on app Tried to register two views with the same name RCTIndexInjectionWebView

This may happen after development's HotReload occurs. When encountered just restart the app. This should not happen on production.

  • Cozy-app cozy-notes is not working when served locally

cozy-notes bundle relies on a specific tar_prefix. When served from local --appDir then no tar_prefix is applied. However the Cozy's registry sends info from production app which has a defined tar_prefix. This would break the app as ReactNative will try to serve local assets using a non-existing directory. To prevent conflict on this, please increase your local cozy-notes's version in the built manifest.webapp for a version that does not exist in production (i.e: "version": "0.0.X.notexisting")

  • Java-related errors.

Please make sure that Java 11 is installed and used.

Run :

source ./
  • Command PhaseScriptExecution failed with a nonzero exit code

When compiling the app from XCode, if you encounter a Command PhaseScriptExecution failed with a nonzero exit code error, then your NodeJS configuration may be invalid If using NVM, then ensure that /usr/local/bin/node is correctly linked to your NVM default NodeJS location More info: facebook/react-native#32984 (comment)

  • Brand configuration error
error: cannot find symbol
      .addHeader("User-Agent", BuildConfig.USER_AGENT + "-" + BuildConfig.VERSION_NAME)
  symbol:   variable USER_AGENT
  location: class BuildConfig

Run yarn brand:configure:cozy


Please desinstall any cozy-flagship app you might have on your device

  • No online devices found. error

Check your device is visible and authorized by running adb devices. Restart adb if it does not appear. If it appears unauthorized, you might need an extra step:


When the app is being installed on your device for the first time, you need to manually accept it.