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payment service for managing stripe subscriptions in your apps


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Pay serves as an intermediary between your application and third party payment providers such as stripe, allowing you to query all plan, customer and subscription data without directly going to the provider. It also allows you to create checkout sessions so that your customers can purchase your plans.

Pay synchronizes with the provider and stores data in a way that is provider-agnostic. Data can be kept in sync via  a Webhook() http.Handler that receives events from the provider, or manually via the Sync method. This approach boosts your application's robustness, speeds up data retrieval, and allows you to support multiple providers.

To see an example of a micro service that uses this package check out


go get -u


Below is the example of how to use the stripe provider. Note that error handling has been omitted for brevity.


Open an sql database

db, err := sql.Open("pgx", os.Getenv("CONNECTION_STRING"))

Create the provider

provider := pay.NewStripeProvider(&pay.StripeConfig{
	Repo:          pay.NewEntityRepo(db),
	Key:           os.Getenv("STRIPE_API_KEY"),
	WebhookSecret: os.Getenv("STRIPE_WEBHOOK_SECRET"),

Initialize the provider. This will create payment tables by running the migrations

err := provider.Init(context.TODO())

Syncing Data

To have a local copy of data that exists in our stripe account, it is good practice to run the Sync method any time the application starts so as to always have up-to-date data.

// Adds or updates our database with the newest data available
err := provider.Sync()

Receive updates from the provider

In order to keep the data in sync during the lifetime of our application we need to receive updates from the provider to our Webhook.

// Register the webhook
http.HandleFunc("/webhook/stripe", provider.Webhook())

// Start the http server
http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)


When our customers want to purchase a plan at a specific pricing we can give them a url to visit to checkout.

IMPORTANT: All Add, Remove and Update methods in the provider object, do not go directly to the database. Instead, they issue a request to the provider (Stripe) to perform the action. Stripe will then send a POST request to the webhook. Upon receiving the message, entities in the database will be updated. In practice, doing a ListAllCustomers right after an AddCustomer is not guaranteed to return the customer that was added. You have to wait until stripe acknowledges the request and sends the event to your webhook. This approach ensures that your data is always in sync with stripe, and allows changes within the stripe dashboard itself to be reflected in your database.

Add Plan

Note that you do not need to specify the Provider as we have already created the provider as a StripeProvider so this field will get populated automatically. Both ID and ProviderID don't exist yet so those fields are blank as well.

err := provider.AddPlan(&pay.Plan{
	Name:        "Basic Plan",
	Description: "Access all basic features",
	Active:      true,

Add Price

After the plan is saved we will add a price to it

err := provider.AddPrice(&pay.Price{
	PlanID:    1,    // replace with your plan id
	Amount:    1000, // this is in cents. The equivalent would be $10.00
	Currency: "USD",
	Schedule: PricingMonthly,

Add Customer

Next let's add the customer

err := provider.AddCustomer(&pay.Customer{
	Name: "Test Customer",
	Email: "[email protected]",

Redirect to checkout

With all our entities in place we can now perform the checkout. The RedirectURL property is the url a user will redirect to once they have completed the checkout

url, err := provider.Checkout(&pay.CheckoutRequest{
	CustomerID:  1,    // id of our customer
	PriceID:     1,    // id of our price attached to a plan
	RedirectURL: "",

The url return variable contains the url that a user can go to actually perform the checkout. If you are using pay within the context of a web app you can redirect the user as follows

func HandleCheckout(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	// ... your checkout logic here
	// assuming everything is correct and we have url variable available
	http.Redirect(w, r, url, http.StatusSeeOther)


You can hook into events using any of the various On methods.

provider.OnSubscriptionCreated(func (s *Subscription) {
	log.Printf("subscription with id %s created", s.ProviderID)

provider.OnSubscriptionUpdated(func (prev, current *Subscription) {
	if prev.Active != s.Active {
		log.Printf("subscription %s status changed to %v", 
			current.ProviderID, current.Active)

provider.OnSubscriptionRemoved(func (s *Subscription) {
	log.Printf("subscription %s deleted", s.ProviderID)

These events are available for Plans, Customers, and Prices as well.

Associating multiple users with a subscription

Sometimes you want to associate multiple users with one subscription. This can be the case in seat-based plans where a customer can give x amount of users access to an account.

When a subscription is first added, a SubscriptionUser is added with username being the email of the customer that purchased the subscription.

To help facilitate this we have the SubscriptionUser entity

type SubscriptionUser struct {
	SubscriptionID int64
	Username       string

Username is the unique identifier for the user.

We can manage seats by using the following methods

func (r *Repo) AddSubscriptionUser(su *SubscriptionUser) error

func (r *Repo) RemoveSubscriptionUser(su *SubscriptionUser) error

func (r *Repo) CountSubscriptionUsers(subID int64) (int64, error)

If we want to get the underlying subscription or plan for the user...

func (r *Repo) GetSubscriptionByUsername(username string) (*Subscription, error)

func (r *Repo) GetPlanByUsername(username string) (*Plan, error)


payment service for managing stripe subscriptions in your apps








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