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App Wordpress

Wordpress is a relatively simple sample application that only requires compute to run its containerized binary and a MySQL database. The Wordpress application can be deployed on top of the Crossplane Sample Stacks for GCP, AWS, and Azure -- or any stack that provides the neccesary service catalog.

Applications allow you to define your application and its managed service dependencies as a single installable unit. Applications are portable in that they create claims for infrastructure that are satisfied by different managed service implementations depending on what stacks are installed in your environment.

The Wordpress application can be deployed on top of stacks that provide the default resource classes capable of satisfying the required infrastructure claims for things like a MySQL database and a Kubernetes Cluster. All of the following stacks provide the neccesary default resource classes in their service catalog: GCP Sample Stack, AWS Sample Stack, and Azure Sample Stack.

You can even make your own stacks and the Wordpress application will deploy successfully on top as long as the stack provides the neccesary default resource classes. Checkout the Crossplane docs for more info.

The templates used in this application show how templating engines like helm and kustomize can be used to build your own application and this repo can be used a starting point for building your own application.

Checkout the Wordpress Quick Start to rapidly get started in your environment.


Install with the following command after replacing <version> with the correct one, like 0.1.0:

kubectl crossplane package install -n default 'crossplane/app-wordpress:<version>' wordpress


Here is an example CR that you can use to deploy Wordpress to a fresh new cluster:

kind: WordpressInstance
  name: testme
# You can use UseExistingTarget as well to schedule to a KubernetesTarget in the
# same namespace randomly.
  provisionPolicy: ProvisionNewCluster

#  This is the default value.
# image: wordpress:4.6.1-apache


Run make.

Test Locally


Run make and then run the following command to copy the image into your minikube node's image registry:

# Do not forget to specify <version>
docker save "crossplane/app-wordpress:<version>" | (eval "$(minikube docker-env --shell bash)" && docker load)

After running this, you can use the installation command and the image loaded into minikube node will be picked up.


To create and publish a release, use the upbound Jenkins jobs. You'll want to have your release version handy.

A note about the multibranch pipelines we use. We're using multibranch pipeline jobs in Jenkins, which means that Jenkins creates a new job for each branch that it detects. This means that each time a new branch is created, such as from the create branch job, you may need to trigger a new scan of the repository. It also means you may need to run the job once and have it fail before you can enter in parameters for the job.

  1. First, run the job to cut a new branch, if needed. The branch should be named release-MAJOR.MINOR. For example: release-0.0.
  2. If needed, edit the package version in the release branch, so that the stack version matches the version that will be released. Look for the stack's metadata block.
  3. Run the job to tag the exact release we want. For example: v0.0.1. If you use the one on the release branch we created, that's the simplest.
  4. Run the job to publish the release. It's easiest if you use the branch created earlier.