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Welcome to the MetaFX wiki!

Metagenomic feature extraction and classification toolkit, version 0.1.0.


The idea behind MetaFX is to introduce feature extraction algorithm specific for metagenomics short reads data. It is capable of processing hundreds of samples 1-10 Gb each. The distinct property of suggest approach is the construction of meaningful features, which can not only be used to train classification model, but also can be further annotated and biologically interpreted.




Should you choose to build contigs via third-party SPAdes software, please follow their installation instructions (not recommended for first-time use).

To run MetaFX you need scripts from the bin/ folder. Consider adding it to the PATH variable. The main script to run is

Scripts have been tested under Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, but should generally work on Linux/MacOS.

Running instructions

To run MetaFX use the following syntax: [<Launch options>] [<Input parameters>]

Full description of launch options and input parameters can be found below in section Options and Parameters.

For detailed step-by-step running instructions, please refer to the step-by-step example. It analyzes 54 gut samples from Inflammatory Bowel Disease dataset as a part of iHMP project. The same analysis with the same results can be reproduced with one command.

From now on we suppose, that script is in the current directory and bin/ folder has been added to the system PATH. To download the samples, run the following commands:

cd data/
for i in `tail -n +2 Class_labels.txt | cut -f2` ; do
  tar -xf ${i}.tar
cd ../

As a result in data/ folder there will be 54 samples with paired-end reads in format <sample>_[R1|R2].fastq.gz.

The following command will run the pipeline on the test dataset and produce the same outputs as the step-by-step solution.

./ -p 32 -m 128G -w workDir \
  -k 31 \
  -i data/*.fastq.gz \
  -b 4 \
  --min-samples 1 --max-samples 10 \
  --class1 data/cd_filelist.txt \
  --class2 data/uc_filelist.txt \
  --class3 data/nonibd_filelist.txt

Input files

MetaFX accepts input sequence files of FASTQ and FASTA formats. Input files can also be compressed with gzip of bzip2.

Metadata files with samples split by categories should contain one sample name per line without path and extensions.

Output files

When MetaFX finishes, working directory will contain following results:

  • kmer-counter-many/kmers/<sample>.kmers.bin – files with k-mers from each sample in binary format
  • unique_kmers_class[1|2|3]/kmers/filtered_G.kmers.bin – files with group-specific k-mers in binary format for each class and different minimal number of samples containing such k-mers (G values).
  • components_class[1|2|3]/components.bin – file with graph components for each class selected as features in binary format. G value for extracting components is selected automatically for each class. For user-defined fine tuning please refer to step-by-step pipeline.
  • features_class[1|2|3]/vectors/<sample>.breadth– numeric feature vectors for each class in each sample. Value for feature is calculated as mean breadth coverage of component by samples' k-mers.
  • contigs_class[1|2|3]/seq-builder-many/sequences/component.seq.fasta – contigs in FASTA format forming features' components for each class. Suitable for annotation and biological interpretation.

Options and Parameters

Input parameters for MetaFX:

  • -k, --k <N>
    K-mer size (in nucleotides, maximum value is 31). (Mandatory)
  • -i, --reads <files>
    List of reads files from single environment. FASTQ, FASTA files are acceptable, gzip- and bzip2-compressed files are allowed too. Files can be set by bash regexp, for example -i dir/*.fastq. (Mandatory)
  • -b, --maximal-bad-frequence <N>
    Maximal frequency for a k-mer to be assumed erroneous. (Optional, default value 1)
  • --min-samples <N>
    K-mer is considered group-specific if it presents in at least G samples of that group. G iterates in range [--min-samples; --max-samples]. (Optional, default value 1)
  • --max-samples <N>
    K-mer is considered group-specific if it presents in at least G samples of that group. G iterates in range [--min-samples; --max-samples]. (Optional, default value 1)
  • --class1 <file>
    Text file with names from the first group of samples. Only file names without path and extensions. (Mandatory)
  • --class2 <file>
    Text file with names from the second group of samples. Only file names without path and extensions. (Mandatory)
  • --class3 <file>
    Text file with names from the third group of samples. Only file names without path and extensions. (Optional, if absent program runs in 2-class mode)

Launch options:

  • -p, --available-processors <N>
    Available processors. By default MetaFX uses all available processors.
  • -m, --memory <MEM>
    Memory to use (values with suffix, for example: 1500M, 4G, etc.). By default MetaFX uses 90% of free memory.
  • -w, --work-dir <DIR>
    Working directory. The default working directory is workDir/ in the current directory.
  • -h, --help
    Print help message.

Step-by-step example

Hardware configuration

The pipeline was executed on cluster node with Intel Xeon Gold 6242 CPU (frequency 2.80GH). We used 32 threads and 128GB RAM.

Running time for each step are approximate and given for rough waiting time estimation. The most time-consuming steps 1 and 2 are well parallelized and results could be improved by adding more threads.

Example dataset

Initially, the presented feature extraction method was developed for Metagenomics Diagnosis for Inflammatory bowel disease Challenge (MEDIC). Here we use a subset of metagenomic dataset from IBD patients for example purposes.

The analysed data was collected as a part of The integrative Human Microbiome Project and is stored in The Inflammatory Bowel Disease Multi'omics Database. We took samples from Schirmer et al. 2018 article and further filtered them resulting in 54 samples. They are distributed into three categories: 23 CD – Crohn's Disease , 17 UC – ulcerative colitis UC, 14 nonIBD – control samples.

Metadata table for example dataset is in data/Class_labels.txt. The samples can be found and downloaded by this link.

Step-by-step pipeline


Step 0. Download data (~8h)

Download 54 samples from IBD dataset and unpack them into data/ folder.

cd data/
for i in `tail -n +2 Class_labels.txt | cut -f2` ; do
  tar -xf ${i}.tar
cd ../

As a result in data/ folder there will be 54 samples with paired-end reads in format <sample>_[R1|R2].fastq.gz.

Step 1. Extract k-mers for each sample (1h23min)

Split input reads into k-mers for each sample independently. We set k-mer length -k 31 and filtered out all k-mers found less than 5 times per sample with -b 4.

bin/ -t kmer-counter-many -p 32 -m 128G -k 31 -b 4 -i data/*.fastq.gz -w kmer-counter-many

As a result in kmer-counter-many/kmers/ folder there will be 54 files storing kmers in binary format.

Step 2. Select unique k-mers for each group (31min)

Select unique k-mers present in at least given number G of samples of one category and absent in all samples of other categories. By default G=1 and can be user-defined to iterate in range [--min-samples; --max-samples].

Sample names for each category are in files data/[cd|uc|nonibd]_filelist.txt and we use sed command to get path to respective k-mers files.

First, we submit CD files as input and UC & nonIBD files as other categories (--filter-kmers) to obtain unique k-mers for CD group. We let G iterate from 1 to 10.

bin/ -t unique-kmers-multi -p 32 -m 128G -k 31 -w unique_kmers_cd \
  --min-samples 1 --max-samples 10 \
  -i `sed -e 's/^/kmer-counter-many\/kmers\//' data/cd_filelist.txt | sed -e 's/$/.kmers.bin/'` \
  --filter-kmers `sed -e 's/^/kmer-counter-many\/kmers\//' data/uc_filelist.txt data/nonibd_filelist.txt | sed -e 's/$/.kmers.bin/'`

The resulting unique k-mers are in file unique_kmers_cd/kmers/filtered_G.kmers.bin.

Likewise, we repeat the operation twice to obtain unique k-mers for UC and nonIBD groups.

bin/ -t unique-kmers-multi -p 32 -m 128G -k 31 -w unique_kmers_uc \
  --min-samples 1 --max-samples 10 \
  -i `sed -e 's/^/kmer-counter-many\/kmers\//' data/uc_filelist.txt | sed -e 's/$/.kmers.bin/'` \
  --filter-kmers `sed -e 's/^/kmer-counter-many\/kmers\//' data/cd_filelist.txt data/nonibd_filelist.txt | sed -e 's/$/.kmers.bin/'`
bin/ -t unique-kmers-multi -p 32 -m 128G -k 31 -w unique_kmers_nonibd \
  --min-samples 1 --max-samples 10 \
  -i `sed -e 's/^/kmer-counter-many\/kmers\//' data/nonibd_filelist.txt | sed -e 's/$/.kmers.bin/'` \
  --filter-kmers `sed -e 's/^/kmer-counter-many\/kmers\//' data/cd_filelist.txt data/uc_filelist.txt | sed -e 's/$/.kmers.bin/'`

Now we should have three folders, containing files with unique k-mers with various thresholds for each of three groups: unique_kmers_cd/kmers/, unique_kmers_uc/kmers/, and unique_kmers_nonibd/kmers/. To choose the optimal threshold value for each category, we are to analyse the number of selected unique k-mers. Based on the information from the log files, we can construct the following table:

# of unique k-mers CD UC nonIBD
G=1 290 305 004 173 368 403 194 372 801
G=2 29 361 767 8 088 872 17 592 216
G=3 5 950 400 638 053 2 343 764
G=4 1 738 998 59 181 618 736
G=5 459 717 6 579 206 860
G=6 86 875 488 63 643
G=7 14 892 20 16 635
G=8 2 056 0 2 977
G=9 260 0 200
G=10 46 0 0

With the final goal of constructing approximately equal number of features for each group, the optimal values are G=6 for CD and nonIBD categories and G=4 for UC category. With these values we are ready for step 3.

Step 3. Build components from de Bruijn graph

Having selected unique k-mers for groups of samples, we are ready to construct metagenomic features. There are two approaches, both based on de Bruijn graph. One of them utilizes MetaFast routine for extracting local environment around given k-mers. Another is based on SPAdes assembly of reads, containing selected k-mers.

SPAdes approach takes significantly more time, especially on low- and medium-sized datasets. For large datasets, however, it might give a bit better results for classification models. Anyway, it is not recommended to try step 3b unless you get and analyze results using step 3a.

Step 3a. Extract components via MetaFast (1min)

Construct de Bruijn graph from k-mers from all samples for a given category, and perform a local walk in this graph, starting from unique k-mers (--pivot) for the same category.

bin/ -t component-extractor -p 32 -m 128G -k 31 -w components_cd \
  --pivot unique_kmers_cd/kmers/filtered_6.kmers.bin \
  -i `sed -e 's/^/kmer-counter-many\/kmers\//' data/cd_filelist.txt | sed -e 's/$/.kmers.bin/'`

The resulting specific components for CD group are in file components_cd/components.bin.

Likewise, we repeat the operation twice to obtain specific components for UC and nonIBD groups.

bin/ -t component-extractor -p 32 -m 128G -k 31 -w components_uc \
  --pivot unique_kmers_uc/kmers/filtered_4.kmers.bin \
  -i `sed -e 's/^/kmer-counter-many\/kmers\//' data/uc_filelist.txt | sed -e 's/$/.kmers.bin/'`

bin/ -t component-extractor -p 32 -m 128G -k 31 -w components_nonibd \
  --pivot unique_kmers_nonibd/kmers/filtered_6.kmers.bin \
  -i `sed -e 's/^/kmer-counter-many\/kmers\//' data/nonibd_filelist.txt | sed -e 's/$/.kmers.bin/'`

After this step, we have 7 621 CD components, 5 557 UC components, and 4 794 nonIBD components.

Step 3b. Extract components via SPAdes (3h32min)

To use SPAdes for k-mer extraction, we need to perform several steps:

  1. Translate unique k-mers from binary format into plane text and save them into files unique_kmers_[cd|uc|nonibd].txt.
bin/ -t view -m 128G -p 32 -k 31 -w unique_kmers_cd_txt -kf unique_kmers_cd/kmers/filtered_6.kmers.bin -o unique_kmers_cd.txt
bin/ -t view -m 128G -p 32 -k 31 -w unique_kmers_uc_txt -kf unique_kmers_uc/kmers/filtered_4.kmers.bin -o unique_kmers_uc.txt
bin/ -t view -m 128G -p 32 -k 31 -w unique_kmers_nonibd_txt -kf unique_kmers_nonibd/kmers/filtered_6.kmers.bin -o unique_kmers_nonibd.txt
  1. For each category select from all samples only those reads, which contain unique k-mers. Reads for each combination of sample and category are in reads_with_kmers/ folder.
mkdir reads_with_kmers
python bin/ -k 31 -p 32 -w reads_with_kmers --reads data/*.fastq.gz --kmers unique_kmers_cd.txt unique_kmers_uc.txt unique_kmers_nonibd.txt
  1. Join reads from all sample for each category into one file.
cat reads_with_kmers/*_class_0.fasta > reads_with_kmers/reads_cd.fasta
cat reads_with_kmers/*_class_1.fasta > reads_with_kmers/reads_uc.fasta
cat reads_with_kmers/*_class_2.fasta > reads_with_kmers/reads_nonibd.fasta
  1. Assemble contigs from reads for each category independently. Resulting contigs are in files spades_contigs_[cd|uc|nonibd]/contigs.fasta.
<path_to_spades>/ -t 32 -m 128G -s reads_with_kmers/reads_cd.fasta --only-assembler -o spades_contigs_cd
<path_to_spades>/ -t 32 -m 128G -s reads_with_kmers/reads_uc.fasta --only-assembler -o spades_contigs_uc
<path_to_spades>/ -t 32 -m 128G -s reads_with_kmers/reads_nonibd.fasta --only-assembler -o spades_contigs_nonibd

NB! If you have done this step, you do not need to run step 5. You alerady have contigs in fasta format to analyze.

  1. Transform fasta contigs into binary format for feature calculation.
bin/ -t seq2comp -m 128G -p 32 -k 31 -w components_cd -i spades_contigs_cd/contigs.fasta
bin/ -t seq2comp -m 128G -p 32 -k 31 -w components_uc -i spades_contigs_uc/contigs.fasta
bin/ -t seq2comp -m 128G -p 32 -k 31 -w components_nonibd -i spades_contigs_nonibd/contigs.fasta

That's it! Components for each category in binary format are in files components_[cd|uc|nonibd]/components.bin and we are ready for step 4.

Step 4. Calculate feature values (2min)

After step 3 we obtain components for each of categories, that will play the role of features in subsequent analysis. In order to use the features in machine learning algorithms, we need to map each feature to numerical value for each sample. We take selected components for a given category and calculate the coverage of each component by k-mers from each sample independently.

bin/ -t features-calculator -p 32 -m 128G -k 31 -w features_cd -cm components_cd/components.bin \
        -ka kmer-counter-many/kmers/*.kmers.bin \
        --selected unique_kmers_cd/kmers/filtered_6.kmers.bin

As a result, CD feature values (breadth coverage) for each sample are stored in files features_cd/vectors/<sample>.breadth.

Likewise, we repeat the operation twice to obtain feature values for UC and nonIBD groups.

bin/ -t features-calculator -p 32 -m 128G -k 31 -w features_uc -cm components_uc/components.bin \
        -ka kmer-counter-many/kmers/*.kmers.bin \
        --selected unique_kmers_uc/kmers/filtered_4.kmers.bin

bin/ -t features-calculator -p 32 -m 128G -k 31 -w features_nonibd -cm components_nonibd/components.bin \
        -ka kmer-counter-many/kmers/*.kmers.bin \
        --selected unique_kmers_nonibd/kmers/filtered_6.kmers.bin

Now for each sample we have three files with numerical features for CD, UC, and nonIBD categories. From this point we are ready to use machine learning for classification task.

You can use your favourite algorithm for this purpose. If you are unsure what to do, there are two Jupyter Notebook examples with detailed description of training steps and classification results:

Step 5. Transform features into contigs (1min)

It might be relevant to analyse the extracted features from biological point of view. For taxonomic and functional annotation, we need nucleotide sequences corresponding to each component.

bin/ -t comp2seq -p 32 -m 128G -k 31 -w contigs_cd -cf components_cd/components.bin

The resulting CD contigs are in contigs_cd/seq-builder-many/sequences/component.seq.fasta.

Likewise, we repeat the operation twice to obtain contigs for UC and nonIBD groups.

bin/ -t comp2seq -p 32 -m 128G -k 31 -w contigs_uc -cf components_uc/components.bin
bin/ -t comp2seq -p 32 -m 128G -k 31 -w contigs_nonibd -cf components_nonibd/components.bin

NB! If you want to analyse the contigs for a specific component, and not all components, --split flag might help. Be careful, it saves contigs for each component in a separate file, so there might be a lot of files afterwards.


Please report any problems directly to the GitHub issue tracker.

Also, you can send your feedback to [email protected].



The MIT License (MIT)

See also

  • MetaFast – a toolkit for comparison of metagenomic samples.
  • MetaCherchant – a tool for analysing genomic environment within a metagenome.
  • RECAST – a tool for sorting reads per their origin in metagenomic time series.