A general purpose permission management library.
This is a kotlin version of the
original openperm library
The main way of installing this library is
using jitpack.io
repositories {
// ...
maven { url = uri("https://jitpack.io") }
dependencies {
// Replace TAG with the desired version
An approval is the result of validating some condition.
A simple approval construction would look like this:
val Approved = Approval(true, error = Denial("Approved"))
val Denied = Approval(false, error = Denial("Denied"))
A role is an open class that is implemented by the
application and is the way to pass data to a Privilege
A simple role implementation would look like this:
data class MyRole(
val target: MyTarget,
val error: Throwable? = null
) : Role()
A permit is a Role
factory that construct Role
s for a
given entity.
A simple permit composition would look like this:
val MyPermit = Permit<String>(
Permit { Permit(MyRole(it)) }
A privilege is a composed function that indicate if a Role
is or is not met.
A simple privilege composition would look like this:
fun createPrivilege(actor: MyActor) = Privilege(
Privilege { role ->
when (role) {
is MyActRole -> Privilege(actor.canAct(role.actTarget))
is MyViewRole -> Privilege(actor.canView(role.viewTarget))
else -> Privilege(false)
A permission is a composed function that indicates if
some condition is or is not met for a given entity and
by a given Privilege
A simple permission composition would look like this:
val MyPermission = Permission<MyTarget>(
Permission { privilege, target ->
when {
target.isPublic() -> Permission(true)
else -> MyNotPublicTargetPermission
The permission calculation is split into two phases:
At this phase, the target is to construct a Privilege
takes a Role
and outputs a list of Approval
Usually, this phase is done after identifying the actor.
For example:
fun createAccountPrivilege(actor: MyActor) =
Privilege { role ->
when (role) {
is MyCanPerformOnRole -> Privilege(actor.canPerformOn(
else -> Privilege(false)
At this phase, the target is to output a list of Approvals
for a given entity against a given privilege.
Usually, this phase is done before performing an action.
For example:
fun performAction(privilege: Privilege, target: MyTarget) {
The following are examples of using this library
KotlinTest The main test file
KtorGraphQLTemplate A template that uses this library