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Releases: cynkra/constructive

constructive 1.0.1

10 Jul 15:06
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  • We fixed a typo that was breaking .cstr_new_class(, commented = TRUE)
  • We fixed a bug regarding high precedence infix operators that was breaking deparse_call()
  • "simpleUnit" is considered as a "grid" package class, not a "base" class and
    we fixed the check for corrupted "simpleUnit" objects
  • The construction of "ScalesList" objects is improved, it failed in some cases
  • The construction of "CoordCartesian" is improved and considers the "default" argument
  • Improved vignette consistency

constructive 1.0.0

02 Jul 21:07
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Internals, extension system, cosmetics

  • The internals have changed quite a bit, and a new extension system has been
  • The vignette "extend-constructive" details it and how constructive works.
  • The package {constructive.example} was updated to reflect the new system.
  • We remove non API calls in the C code, to comply with new CRAN rules.
  • The pkgdown website categorizes the functions so the package can be explored
    more conveniently (Thanks Maelle Salmon @maelle for the suggestion).
  • The doc was improved overall
  • The README was reworked

New functions

  • Two new functions construct_dput() and construct_base() allow to construct
    objects respectively without using high level constructors at all, or using
    only those included in base packages (such as data.frame() etc).
  • A new function construct_clip() is just like construct() but
    copies code directly to the clipboard (Thanks Josiah Parry @JosiahParry for the suggestion).
  • We now have opts_logical(), opts_integer(), opts_double(), opts_complex(),
    opts_character() and opts_raw() so options can be set independently.
    opts_atomic() still works to set a. behavior for all atomics but the new functions have precedence.
    The "raw" type is supported better can be constructed from integers in
    decimal or hexadecimal notation with the "as.raw" constructor, or from
    character using the "charToRaw" constructor.
  • The new functions .cstr_new_class() and .cstr_new_template()
    facilitate the process of working with the new extension system.

New classes

  • Expression vectors are now supported (For some reason we had missed it!).
  • We implement constructors for the following base R classes:
    • citationFooter
    • citationHeader
    • hexmode
    • octmode
    • person
    • difftime
    • simpleError
    • simpleWarning
    • simpleMessage
    • simpleCondition
    • errorCondition
    • warningCondition
  • We support the class "integer64" from the {bit64} package. It was important
    because we can't recreate NA or negative integer64 objects using base R only.
  • We support the class "blob" from the {blob} package.

New features and deprecation

  • Many constructive functions gain the classes argument that generalize
    construct_dput() and construct_base(), so users can enable or disable the idiomatic construction of some
  • construct_reprex() and construct_multi() gain the include_dotted = TRUE
    argument so we can optionally disable the construction of objects such as
    .Random.seed int he global environment or .Class in the execution environment
    of S3 methods.s
  • construct() and construct_multi() gain the arguments unicode_representation
    and escape previously used by opts_atomic() and these are now not only
    applied on strings but also on element names and variable names.
  • We look at the encoding when constructing character vectors, so an UTF-8
    "é" is not constructed like a latin-1 "é" anymore. Hopefully this will help
    some users out of encoding hell faster.
  • opts_tbl_df() gains a justify argument to control the justification of
    columns with constructor = "tribble"` (Thanks Jacob Scott @wurli for the implementation).
  • The imports and lazydata environments of packages are constructed with
    parent.env(asNamespace("pkg")) and getNamespaceInfo("pkg", "lazydata").
    Before that they were constructed as regular environments.
  • When constructing environments we now lock environments and bindings when relevant.
  • We construct negative zeroes as -0. identical(0, -0)) is TRUE but
    1/-0 is -Inf so it made sense to support them.
  • opts_environment() gains a "predefine" constructor and
    opts_environment(predefine = TRUE) is deprecated. The old way still works
    but warns and is not documented anymore.
  • In opts_atomic() the arguments unicode_representation and escape are
    deprecated, use the new opts_character() function or set them in the
    main function directly instead so they also affect symbols and argument names.
    The old way still works but warns and is not documented anymore.


  • We solve some operator precedence issues in deparse_call()
  • Named vectors of length 1 are constructed properly
  • Objects are constructed properly if their names have attributes, contain NAs,
    or are named like c()'s arguments recursive and use.names
  • Circularity is detected when attempting to construct an environment refering to
    itself with an inappropriate constructor. It now fails explicitly rather than
    trigger an infinite loop or a low level error.
  • NAs and NaNs are not conflated anymore when compressing double vectors
  • complex numbers are constructed properly regarding the different combination
    of NA values in their real and imaginary parts.
  • We check for the S4 bit using isS4() and use asS4() when necessary
  • In opts_numeric_version(), opts_package_version() and opts_R_system_version()
    the incorrectly named "atomic" constructor is replaced by a "list" constructor
  • data frames, data tables and tibbles are now properly constructed when they
    contain columns that their idiomatic constructors cannot handle, such
    as "row.names", or "stringsAsFactors" for data frames.
  • POSIXlt are constructed according to the R version, to account for the changes
    in R 4.3.0
  • We can construct objects with a ".Data" attribute, this used to fail because
    structure() has a .Data argument.
  • The default "row.names" attribute is built with the c(NA, -<nrow>) form,
    as in dput(), this solves some rare corner cases.
  • We fix some issues with raw strings when constructing character vectors
  • We fix some issues with NA, NaN, Inf dates and NULL timezones
  • We fix the environment attribute repair
  • Functions with non syntactic formals are constructed properly

constructive 0.3.0

05 Mar 17:57
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  • A new debugging tool, the construct_reprex() function, is introduced.
    It can be called in any function and will construct all variables and arguments
    where it's called.
  • construct_multi() now constructs promises, in practice this is useful so
    we can construct the evaluation environment of a function, including the uneavaluated
    and potentially NSE args of a function
  • Set options(constructive_print_mode = <character>) where <character> is a vector
    of strings among "console", script, "clipboard" and "reprex". The default
    behavior is "console". See `` ?constructive-global_options
  • opts_atomic(escape = FALSE) (the default) now correctly uses surrounding single quotes
    for strings that contain double quotes and no single quotes.
  • deparse_call() is more robusts and gains the arguments escape and unicode_representation
    that were already present in opts_atomic()
  • The ggplot object generation supports the internal changes of ggplot2 3.5.0,
    and the resulting construction is nicer.
  • Data frames can be reconstructed when their columns don't have a data.frame()
  • The "read.table" constructor for data frames supports the one_liner argument
  • roxygen2 is Suggested (not Imported anymore), the ellipsis dependency is removed
  • formulas have a "next" constructor, useful to see what formulas are at a low
  • classes with S3 methods for length, [, [[ etc are handled better
  • .env() doesn't crash anymore when provided a wrong or obsolete memory address
  • Integer vectors are constructed properly when they feature consecutive elements
    differing by more than .Machine$integer.max
  • Classed objects of types "..." and "externalptr" and are constructed properly
  • S4 construction uses the slot argument rather than the representation arg

constructive 0.2.0

13 Nov 22:08
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  • We don't use {styler} anymore, performance is sensibly enhanced as a consequence.
  • The package works without having {prettycode} installed, but uses it if it's installed
  • We default to using the magrittr pipe %>% for R versions that don't support |>
  • NA levels are supported for the classes "factor" and "ordered"
  • Environment construction includes variables prefixed with a dot
  • When we don't attach the package, we don't need to use constructive:: in the ... before opts_* functions, for instance we can call constructive::construct(cars, opts_data.frame("read.table")).
  • quote({}) is now constructed as "{ }" rather than "`{`()"

constructive 0.1.0

06 Jun 19:03
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Sync workflows

v0.0.1: Merge pull request #80 from cynkra/f-add-news-file

04 Nov 16:32
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original work before the big changes in #56