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Build Status Dropbox Uploader

This add-on provides a simple way to upload your snapshots to Dropbox.


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You will need to create a Dropbox app

  1. Choose Dropbox API
  2. Either type of Dropbox app should work (Full or App directory)
  3. Give it a unique name, this can be anything
  4. Set the following scopes in the Permission tab (you need to do it before generating the token).
  5. Click Generate under "Generated access token" and copy the token.

All Configuration Options

Options Default Description
access_token Dropbox API Access Token. Required.
dropbox_dir "/snapshots" The directory name in dropbox to upload snapshots. Must start with a forward slash.
keep 10 The number of snapshots to keep. Once the limit is reached, older snapshots will be removed from and Dropbox.
mins_between_backups 60 How often, in minutes, should the addon check for new backups.
filename snapshot_slug What filename strategy should be used in Dropbox? Can be either "snapshot_name" or "snapshot_slug".
debug false A flag to enable/disable verbose logging. If you are having issues, change this to True and include the output in bug reports.

Full Configuration Example

  "access_token": "<YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>",
  "dropbox_dir": "/snapshots",
  "keep": 10,
  "mins_between_backups": 60,
  "filename": "snapshot_name",
  "debug": false


Here is the automation I use to create a snapshot and upload it to Dropbox.

  - alias: Backup Nightly
      platform: time
      at: '02:00:00'
      - service: hassio.snapshot_full
          name: Automated Backup {{ now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d') }}
          password: !secret snapshot_password


This project is young, and very light. I am interested in adding some features - so long as it remains simple and easy to use. Please let me know of your ideas and feedback!

Making a release

tox -e docker-build and tox -e docker-push are probably the easiest way.

I tried setting up the github actions but failed. This works for now, good luck future person trying to do this :)