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meropeee edited this page Mar 30, 2023 · 6 revisions


7- Batch editing and import and export

Requirements Use Cases
ME users shall be able to add one or several field in batch to all records in all records in the basket using a shortcut. A indexed 6 resolutions adopted in Plenary based on the draft resolution adopted by the 1st committee on a specific agenda item. All the records have several field that are the same (Agenda item, meeting record, draft resolution, etc.) A wants to apply the same field to all these records open in the basket.
B revises 30 records created during the day by a colleague and make individual corrections on each of them. Once the work is finished B want to add a 999 in all open records to indicate who, when, and that the revision is completed.
ME users may be able to add a subfield in all records in the basket using a shortcut. C is working on several resolution adopted by a GA and wants to add 191 $9 to all the resolutions open in the basket. A 191 $a $b $c already exist in these records. Each record has a specific 191 $a. $b, $c, $9 are the same in all records
ME users shall be able to delete a field in all records in the basket using a shortcut. D wants to delete a 650 YOUNG ADULT in 96 records as the term has been depreciated. Instead, all these records should have a 650 A number of these records already have a 650 YOUNG in addition to YOUNG adults.
  • D start by searching and adding to the basket 50 records that have both YOUTH and YOUNG ADULT. ** On these records D delete YOUNG ADULT ** And add 999.
  • D clean the basket and search for all the remaining record with 650 YOUNG ADULT and add them in the basket. ** D delete the 650 YOUNG ADULT with all the records in the basket. ** D add 650 YOUTH in all records in the basket and 999|

Component Specs

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