This software repository contains a minimal demonstration of a Perl Dancer web application. The application demonstrates user registration, email confirmation, and lost password reset.
Technology demonstrated includes:
- Perl Dancer (version 1)
- MongoDB and the Mongoose ORM for Perl
- Xslate template engine
- HTML::FormHandler (and customization of it)
- Authen::Passphrase::BlowfishCrypt bcrypt password hashing
- Postmark email delivery
The easiest way to install Perl dependencies is to install cpanminus first and run it from the checked out repository directory.
$ cpanm --installdeps .
You will also need to install MongoDB on your system. (Note that as of this writing, the MongoDB Perl driver is version 0.503.3 and requires MongoDB version 2.2.2 to pass tests. It should be OK to force install if you have an older MongoDB.)
Once all dependencies are installed, use the 'plackup' command:
$ plackup bin/
Then browse to the web page indicated in the console, typically http://0:5000/
Email sending is mocked using Postmark's test API key. To send real email,
signup with Postmark and change the support_email
config.yml key to an email
you have validated with Postmark, and change the WWW::Postmark plugin option
to your API key associated with the support email address.
All sources included are subject to their own open-source license terms:
Some source files generated by or adapted from additional sources, also under their own open-source license terms:
All other files not from the above named sources are copyright (c) 2013 by David A. Golden and are licensed under The Apache License, Version 2.0, January 2004