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CS622 Term Project

JLiteBox: An Image Catalog Software

java-img sql-lit Java CI with Maven



JLiteBox is a JavaFx application that catalogs RAW and JPG images and allows the user to display them in a GUI. It is essentially a clone of the popular Adobe Lightroom or PhotoMechanic by Camera Bits.

Application Stack


The Maven configuration creates a jar file jlitebox-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar in the /target directory. Note that there is also another smaller jlitebox-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar that's available but that will not have all the app dependencies and will require you to set up the classpath for the app's dependencies.

$ mvn package

Tests and Test Coverage

Running mvn test should run all the unit tests and create a Test Coverage report in target/site/jacoco. You should be able to see the results of the test and the test coverage with JaCoCo's comprehensive report.


Running JLiteBox

The project runs on language level 11 but requires Java 17 to run to be able to leverage the latest features of JavaFx.

Running with a GUI

$ java --enable-native-access ALL-UNNAMED \
	--add-modules jdk.incubator.foreign \
	-jar jlitebox-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar.jar

The standard way of running the app with all its features. For this iteration, it now displays all images in the catalog:


Importing from a Directory (GUI Bypass)

$ java --enable-native-access ALL-UNNAMED \
	--add-modules jdk.incubator.foreign \
	-jar jlitebox-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar.jar -d {import-dir}

Imports the images in specified directory import-dir to store them in the configured catalog and logs the activity/status on the standard output (usually the screen).

There is a sample folder that's available under sample/images so you can test the app with:

$ cd target/
$ java --enable-native-access ALL-UNNAMED \
	--add-modules jdk.incubator.foreign \
	-jar jlitebox-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar.jar -d ../sample/images/

Importing from a URL List File (GUI Bypass)

The file is a simple text file with a list of URLs where the import can download from; it is assumed that the images hosted in the URL does not require any authentication to be able to create a copy of the said image locally.

There is a sample file that's available under sample/import.txt so you can test the app with:

$ cd target/
$ java --enable-native-access ALL-UNNAMED \
	--add-modules jdk.incubator.foreign \
	-jar jlitebox-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar.jar -i ../sample/import.txt


The application is configured using the HOCON format which can be found in resources/application.conf file. Below are the configuration parameters and what they mean:

Parameter Type Default Remarks
import.overwrite boolean true To denote if file import overwrites by default
import.temp-dir string System.getProperty("") The temp directory for downloading and images being processed
storage.root-dir string ~/tmp The root directory of the catalog where files are stored during import and read from when rendering on GUI
metadata.db-url string jdbc:sqlite:db/jlitebox.sqlite The SQLite3 database where image metadata is stored
images.supported-exts string array [ JPG, DNG, NEF ] File extensions of supported files
preview.width int 640 Pixel width for previews for RAW files
preview.height int 480 Pixel height for previews for RAW files


Logging is done using LogBack (in conjunction with SLF4J) and follows the same standards for logging configuration located in resources/logback.xml. Right now, the logging is on console only in INFO level.

Application Code + Design

Code Packages

The code are sub-divided into packages according to their logical grouping:

Name Remarks
config Application and catalog configuration
controller Application controllers (MVC)
equipment Image equipment classes (e.g., camera, lens)
exceptions Exception custom classes
filter Filtering of Images for GUI display
image The basic models for representing the images, mainly the Image class and sub-classes, along with the catalog and downloader
image.metadata Handling of image metadata
image.preview Handling of image previews
storage Storage of file and metadata database (SQLite3 JDBC)
utils General/common utility classes and/or static functions that is shared across the application
view Application views (MVC)

Entry Point

The edu.bu.cs622.jlitebox.App is the main class, but the edu.bu.cs622.jlitebox.AppFx is where the heart of the application starts. This is done because of the strict Java 9 modularity that JavaFx follows and since JavaFx is not distributed with the JDK since Java 11, this pattern is adopted to get around it. More explanation can be read here.

Design Overview

This is a relatively basic implementation of Model-View-Controller design pattern. The controllers are in the edu.bu.cs622.jlitebox.controller package and the views are in edu.bu.cs622.jlitebox.view package. As noted in the previous section, the application can be run in GUI or console mode depending on the parameters, and the console mode not only has the ability to emit messages (leveraging the logging framework) but also accept inputs from the user via the keyboard. The GUI based view/controller are within the JavaFx framework which has its own MVC implementation shown in this article and the application abides by the best practices as dicated by the article.

Dependency Injection

We are leveraging Dependency Injection technique through Google Guice. You can see this used throughout the app and the modules are defined in JLiteBoxModule:

public class JLiteBoxModule extends AbstractModule {
	protected void configure() {

And these are used accordingly with the injector like shown in the code below:

// create the Guice injector
var injector = Guice.createInjector(new JLiteBoxModule());

// create the class you want using dependency injection
var previewGenerator = injector.getInstance(ImagePreviewGenerator.class);

// profit!
var preview = previewGenerator.generatePreview((RawImage) img);

Factory Pattern

In addition, where are also using Factory pattern when the dependency-injection using Guice is not necessary or deemed overkill. One example of this is the ImageFactory used to create instances of Image by specifying a file location:

public final class ImageFactory {
	public static Image fromFile(String path) {
		return ImageUtils.isJpegImage(path) ? new JpegImage(path) : new RawImage(path);

And this is used like this:

// creates a RawImage instance
var image = ImageFactory.fromFile("./hello.dng");

Using Functional Data Structures with Vavr

The advent of Java 8's "functions as first-class citizens" allows us to write with Functional Programming principles in mind, and this has been enhanced using Vavr. The features of the library are used sparingly so as not to deviate/clash with the OOP constructs being taught in this class, but we do apply them where it would make the code more concise and robust, and thus easier to reason about. Consider this simple example:

shutterSpeed = Try.of(() -> Float.parseFloat(s)).getOrElse((float) 0));

The use of monadic construct Try<T> allows us to write a shorter, more concise code that achieves the same effect: here instead of having a try/catch block to assign 0 to shutterSpeed we are using Try::of instead which "maps" the result if successful and "maps left" to assign 0 if fails.

Exception Handling

The application leverages the use of custom exceptions for having the option of "recovering" from errors that are not critical like out-of-memory errors. The base class JLiteBoxException has a requiresInteraction() method to denote if an error is recoverable or not.

public class JLiteBoxException extends Exception {
	boolean interact = false;

	public boolean requiresInteraction() {
		return this.interact;

And with that you have further convenience subclasses NonRecoverableException and RecoverableException which sets the interact false automatically in the constructors and all other exceptions can either derive directly from JLiteBoxException or either of the intermediate mentioned subclasses. The Controller and/or View can leverage the JLiteBoxException::requiresInteraction method to see if a failure in an operation can be recovered and ask the user to continue or not.

Object Persistence + Serialization

We are using the JSON format to serialize/deserialize objects to make it more portable and avoid the general issues that's tied to the default binary serialization to persist objects for long-term storage. We are using Jackson for JSON serialization/deserialization.

SQLite3 Persistence

We are using SQLite3 to persist our image metadata and JPEG preview blobs. Below is the fields for the database. The artifacts are in the /db sub-folder including the schema

Image table
Name Type Nullable? Remarks
name text no PK, Name derived from src file name
image_type text yes JPG for JPEG (default), RAW based on the src file name extension
src_path text no The location in the file storage
camera_id text yes Camera ID (FK to Camera table)
lens_id text yes Lens ID (FK to Lens table)
lens_focal_length real yes Lens focal length (extracted from EXIF metadata)
shutter_speed real yes Image shutter speed (extracted from EXIF metadata)
capture_date integer yes Image capture date epoch format (extracted from EXIF metadata)
iso integer yes Image ISO (extracted from EXIF metadata)
raw_metadata text yes The raw image metadata in JSON format from ImageMetadata java class
image_preview blob yes JPEG preview binary blob
Camera Table
Name Type Nullable? Remarks
id text no primary key
brand text no Camera brand (extracted from EXIF metadata)
model text yes Camera model (extracted from EXIF metadata)
is_autofocus numeric yes Is camera auto-focus? (inferred from brand/model)
Lens Table
Name Type Nullable? Remarks
id text no primary key
brand text no Lens brand (extracted from EXIF metadata)
model text yes Lens model (extracted from EXIF metadata)

JSON as Datastore Format

For this application, the use case for object persistence is for saving/reading image metadata to/from a SQLite3 database (in raw_metadata field) as reading the metadata from the RAW file itself is very expensive and poses a lot overhead (like having to use JavaFx classes which are relatively heavyweight). It is much more efficient to read this from a database and then deserialize. This is the strategy that we employ here: the metadata is serialized into JSON like this before written into database. Here is an example of the ImageMetadata instance when serialized to JSON (prior to persisting to database):

	"rawData": {
		"CameraModel": "Z 6",
		"MaxAp @MaxFocal": "f/2.8",
		"ExposureProgram": "-1",
		"MedteringMode": "-1",
		"Focal length": "105.0 mm",
		"Shutter": "200.0",
		"MaxFocal": "105.0 mm",

		// ... other fields

		"XMP": "<?xpacket> .... <?xpacket end=\"w\"?>",
		"Lens": "NIKKOR Z MC 105mm f/2.8 VR S",
		"FocusMode": "-1",
		"MinFocal": "105.0 mm"
	"aperture": 2.8,
	"shutterSpeed": 105.0,
	"captureDate": 1641764652000,
	"iso": 100

And with Jackson we leverage the library's annotation so that the library can instantiate the proper subclass if using abstract and/or interfaces. In our case, ImageMetadata has Camera and Lens fields that are instances of the abstract class ImagingEquipment so we need to provide hints on what subclass to use to instantiate, and these what the annotations are used for. So we have these annotations in ImagingEquipment declaration:

@JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true)
@JsonTypeInfo(use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME, include = JsonTypeInfo.As.PROPERTY)
@JsonSubTypes({ @JsonSubTypes.Type(value = Camera.class, name = "Camera"),
				@JsonSubTypes.Type(value = Lens.class, name = "Lens") })
public abstract class ImagingEquipment {
	// ...

GUI and JavaFx

We are fully leveraging JavaFx to generate the GUI and one of the core features implemented here is the creation of JPEG preview for RAW files that would have not been possible without the LibRawFx library. There are limitations to this library, however as it can only support cameras like Nikon (newer cameras only), Canon and Fuji.

We are also using JavaFXML for UI markup language to be able to see what the GUI will look like while building it.


The application centers on 2 use cases for the use of threads:

  • Make importing of images faster by using multiple threads of execution. Importing has 2 expensive operations: generating a preview and reading the EXIF metadata but both of these are I/O heavy and allows better scheduling. This also allows us to use a better thread pool other than ForkJoinPool which is actually not optimized for heavy I/O threads.
  • Make the GUI responsive. JavaFx GUI update is single-threaded, and what makes it even more complicated is that it allows update of GUI in its own thread. Fortunately, it doesn't prevent us from using threads altogether but the thread would not be able to update GUI from its own execution path; to make this possible we are using the convenience function Platform::runLater. In our own specific use, when you import from the GUI, the import is done in the background as soon as you hit OK so the GUI remains responsive while the GUI's status bar is being updated with the status of the import operation. Consider the code snippet from MainController class:

As for the implementation, we mainly leveraged the newer CompletableFuture<T> construct that allows the use of parallelism and asynchronous operations that are relatively easy to manage and reason about. We are using thread-safe collection and object types and use immutability whenever possible to totally avoid the use of synchronized keyword and explicit locking of resources that are potentially not thread-safe.

private void updateStatusBarText(String text) {
    Platform.runLater(() -> {"Refreshing view...");

// updateStatusBarText is used here
protected void handleFileImportAction(ActionEvent event) {
    if (selectedDirectory != null) {
        // ...
        CompletableFuture.runAsync(() -> Try.of(() -> catalog.addImagesFromDirectory(
                        (currentImage, currentIndex, all) -> {
                  "Image {} of {} imported.", currentIndex, all);
                            updateStatusBarText(String.format("Image %d of %d imported.", currentIndex, all));
                            return null;
                        }))).thenRun(() -> Platform.runLater(() -> {
                            // once everything is finished, refresh the main view
                  "Refreshing view...");


CS622 Term Project







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