I'm Dario, a PhD student in Aerospace Engineering at the Univeristy of Illinois Urbana Champaign collaborating at the Engineering Systems Design Lab. I am currently working on the implementation of Multdisciplinary Design Optimization methods to the conceptual design of scramjets at the Center of Exascale-Enabled for Scramjet Design. You can follow my previous work and publications on these links Research Gate and Google Scholar
My interests range from computer science topics like high performance computing, numerical optimization, surrogate modeling and machine learning to aeropsace subjects like aircraft multidisciplinary design optimization, aerodynamics, propulsion and performance.
I'm profficient in Python, Matlab, Latex, Shell, Git. Currently learning CUDA C++, Fortran and Julia.
Hobbies/learning: robotics (love programming using the open-source ROS), MDO fixed-wing UAVs (Software: OpenVSP, SUAVE - Hardware: Pixhawk)
Here are some stats:
- 🔭 I’m currently working on implementing a MDO methodology on the conceptual design of a hypersonic ramjet (scramjet) engines by using the NASA software OpenMDAO, a similar toolset to PyCycle and MIRGE-Com
- 🌱 Currently learning CUDA with C++ and Python. Also getting familiar with machine learning models applied to Design (Currently using Scikit-Learn and TensorFlow)
- 👯 Looking to collaborate on any project that involves design pptimization, numerical optimization, surrogate modeling and/or robotics
- 🤔 Getting familiar and looking for help with Parallel Programming
- 💬 Ask me about programming tips with Python, Fortran, Matlab, Arduino.
- 📫 Reach out by email!
- ⚡ Fun fact I think the future of engineering design relies on AI tools, HPC and metamodels