Decodes Blizzard Mobile Authenticator settings file into Serial and Secret Key, for use with various TOTP apps.
- Configure Blizzard Mobile Authenticator on your Android device.
- Grab /data/data/com.blizzard.bma/shared_prefs/com.blizzard.bma.AUTH_STORE.xml using Root Explorer, adb pull, etc.
- Take the map/string[@name='com.blizzard.bma.AUTH_STORE.HASH'] value and paste into the "hash" variable of my code.
- Compile and run, it will calculate the Serial and Secret Key from the given hash.
- Enter Serial and Secret Key into TOTP app of your choice
###Testing done:
- Tested with my account and
- Generates the same code as the Blizzard Mobile Authenticator app.
###Known issues:
- No UI or console input, requires code change to use different key (yes this is terrible, I know)
- Note: I reused the StringToByteArray and ByteArrayToString methods from winauth, thus I have also released my code under the same GPL license.