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Build Status

cimpler is a Node.js continous integration server that primarily interfaces with Github post-recieve hooks and the Github commit status api It's designed to be straight-forward to setup and configure yet allows for easy extension with plugins.

Usage (command line)

The most common usage won't be direct at all. i.e. Github post-recieve hook triggers builds, build status and log are reported using the Github commit status api, logs and results are found and viewed in the browser.

But, cimpler does provide a local-repo post-receive hook and a nice CLI:

$> cimpler --help
   cimpler build [-b branch-name]   trigger a build on the current repo
   cimpler status                   echo the list of builds in the
                                    queue (* means building)

  --command, -c  Custom shell command to execute for this build
                 instead of the one from the config file
  --branch, -b   Name of the branch to build (defaults to current)
  --verbose, -v  Produce more output for the status command.
                 Includes details for each build.
  --port, -p     HTTP port of the cimpler server
                 (defaults to the value in config.js)


$ git clone
$ cd cimpler
$ npm install --production
$ cp config.sample.js config.js


Add your server's url with path: /github as a github post-receive hook: (

$ vim config.js  # Edit to your liking, config.sample.js is well documented


If you are using the github plugin, make sure the config.httpPort is accessible from the outside (or at least from github's servers).

$ bin/cimpler --server


$ npm install
$ npm test

The architecture is very simple and based on plugins. A plugin has access to several methods and events. Please look at the existing plugins as a guide to writing your own.

Plugin Interface

A plugin is a node.js module that exports an object which has an init property like: function(config, cimpler)

  • config: The value from the corresponding entry in config.js ("some value" from below)

      // config.js
      module.exports = {
         plugins: {
            'plugin-name': "some value" // passed to the init() function
         }, ...
    • If config is an array, the init() function will be called once for each value in the array. This allows you to configure multiple instances of a plugin.
  • cimpler: an instance of Cimpler which exposes methods and events

    • Methods:
      • .addBuild(build) : Adds a build to the system. A build is an object with these properties at a minimum:
        • repo : a string identifying the repository of the build (a url, a local path to the originating repo)
        • branch : The name of the branch this build should be run against
      • .consumeBuild(callback[, repoRegex]) : registers this plugin as a build consumer.
        • callback has signature: function(build, started, finished)
          • started() and finished() are both functions a plugin should call when a build is started and finished.
          • started() and the buildStarted event will be triggered implicitly if finished() is called first.
        • If repoRegex is provided, only builds with a build.repo property that match the regex will be passed to the callback.
        • The callback will be called for each build, serially. callback() will only be called for the next build once finished() is called.
      • .shutdown() : Initiates shutdown of the server and triggers the shutdown event.
    • Events:
      • buildAdded(build) : Emitted immediately after cimpler.addBuild is called
      • buildStarted(build) : Emitted after a build has been started by a build consumer
      • buildFinished(build) : Emitted after a build has finished
      • shutdown : Your plugin should release it's resources because the server is shutting down.


Inspired By


A simple Continuous Integration server that is plugin-based and github-integrated.







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