This folder contain arduino projects
How to install Arduino IDE For all projects, I have used Arduino IDE 1.6.8 So, you can download here a link The arduinos used are:
- Arduino Nano
- Arduino UNO
- Arduino NodeMCU v3
By the way all the sensors used in this projects are also known like:
- DHT22
- DHT11
- DS18B20
- LCD 16x2 i2c
- LCD 20X4 i2c
- bme280
- enc28j60
- bmp180
- hc-sr4
- acs71
- Transmitter 433 mhz
- Receiver 433 mhz
In some projects the cloud is used, like a Azure (VPS, webservices, etc) maybe you can use a home server to test it. For example, the raspberry pi with LAMP is perfect to save the data from our sensors.
- Transmiter 433 MHZ using Arduino nano and Arduino UNO
- Transmiter 433 MHZ using Arduino nano and Arduino UNO with LCD
- Temperature LM35 and Arduino nano
- Temperature DS18B20 and Arduino nano
- Tempareture DHT22 and Arduino Nano with LCD 20x4 i2c
- Showing a distance in an LCD
- Caldera using Arduino Esp8266