A tool help my employees to calculate order price faster.
Demo url: https://tinhgia.banhtrangsitayninh.com/
Copy customer text and paste into the textarea. Wait for the result then copy it response to the customer.
Copy the text
Lấy em 10 bánh trán me, 30 bánh trán trộn tắt, 30 bánh tráng sate tắt , 5 bánh tráng bơ
You will get:
Me: 10 * 6k = 60k
Trộn tắc: 30 * 6k = 180k
Sa tế tắc: 30 * 6k = 180k
Bơ: 5 * 10k = 50k
Tổng tiền hàng: 470k
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- tuyenhx
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details