Scans cjdns using node list as a white list to find all tomesh nodes and links. Writes a links.json file to be used with the map
Pings all node list nodes and record rtt in ping.json to be used with the map
Generates prometheus compatible json file from crawling the tomehs node list and looking for active node exporter ports
Us the following instead of static_configs: - targets:
- files:
- "/etc/prometheus.json"
Dynamically generated js map for cjdnsDump.php
Configuration of second 5ghz card for WIFI
Bash script to request ip tunnel information
php script to use client script with
CJDNS in DEB pkg and build scripts
CJDNS Bin files incluiding NSA_APPROVED for debugging
Turns your To Mesh Node into a Hyperbrea Router. You can now plug in a commercialy available router into the node.
Script achives this by
- Disable HostAPD wireless
- Turning on Dhcp and Radvd on the ethernet port to provice Addressing for connected router
- Replace eth0 dhcp client with a static ip address and ipv6 address
- Update firewall rules and trigger them on boot