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This package is a Dartino development plugin for Atom built on top of the Atom dartlang plugin.


  • Source code analysis of Dartino applications.
  • Single command to compile, deploy, and run code on connected device.


  • Install Atom
  • Install this dartino package (with apm install dartino or through the Atom UI)
  • Install the Dartino SDK version 0.4.0 or better: MacOS, Linux

Setup in Atom

  • Open the dartlang plugin settings page and change the Dart SDK Location to point to your installed Dart SDK
  • Open the dartino plugin settings page and change the Dartino root directory to the location of your installed Dartino SDK

Quick Start

  • Connect computer USB to CN14 USB ST-LINK on STM32 Discovery board
  • Pull down the File menu and select Add Project folder
  • In the dialog that appears, select the dartino-sdk/samples directory
  • In the file tree on the left, select samples/stm32f746g-discovery/lines.dart to open that file
  • Click in the editor
  • To compile, deploy, and run the Dartino application in the active editor on the connected device, either press ctrl-f6 or select Packages > Dartino > Run app on device

Terms and Privacy

The Dart plugin for Atom (the "Plugin") is an open-source project, contributed to by Google. By using the Plugin, you consent to be bound by Google's general Terms of Service and Google's general Privacy Policy.


See the LICENSE file.