builder gen is a go tool that helps you generate optional functions for a struct via a builder type
-dir string
the directory to run builder-gen on. Will use working directory if not provided
set to true to recursively iterate directories; auto excludes any directories starting with .
-recursive-exclusions string
a comma separated list of directories to exclude when recursively iterating
- Add a comment with
inside of the struct you want to generate a builder for-
// struct is saved inside of named my_opts.go type MyOpts struct { // ::builder-gen ExampleShown bool Cool *string Steps []string }
- add the following inside of a generate.go file within the same package
//go:generate go run`
- Run
go generate ./...
- A file called
gets generated with useful builder / optional funcs helpers for your struct- note: a file gets generated for each struct type within the package with the
- note: a file gets generated for each struct type within the package with the
Null Check Helper Methods
type MyOpts struct {
// ::builder-gen
ExampleShown bool
Cool *string
Steps []string
var opt MyOpts
// Because Cool is a pointer we generate a HasCool helper function
// to help you check if it was set
if opt.HasCool() {...}
Builder Generated Just for your Struct
type MyOpts struct {
// ::builder-gen
ExampleShown bool
Cool *string
Steps []string
optFns := NewMyOptsBuilder().
Steps("1", "2", "3").
Generate Original Struct from OptionalFunctions
type MyOpts struct {
// ::builder-gen
ExampleShown bool
Cool *string
Steps []string
opts := ToMyOpts(NewMyOptsBuilder().
Steps("1", "2", "3").
// opt will be equivalent to the following
cool := "beans"
opts2 := MyOpts{
Cool: &cool,
ExampleShown: true,
Steps: []string{"1", "2", "3"},
Configure generation for a particular struct
Usage of ::builder-gen flags:
set this flag if you want to exclude creating the builder object
-prefix string
if set this will be the prefix of your global functions. Note: with-globals option required
-suffix string
if set this will be the suffix of your global functions. Note: with-globals option required
set this flag if you want to generate global functions as well
Configuration is set directly in the comment
type MyOpts struct {
// ::builder-gen -with-globals -prefix=With -suffix=Opt -no-builder
ExampleShown bool
Cool *string
Steps []string
opts := ToMyOpts(
WithStepsOpt("1", "2", "3"))
// opt will be equivalent to the following
cool := "beans"
opts2 := MyOpts{
Cool: &cool,
ExampleShown: true,
Steps: []string{"1", "2", "3"},
Set Defaults on Your Struct And Have Optional Functions Override Them
cool := "beans"
opts := MyOpts{
Cool: &cool,
ExampleShown: true,
Steps: []string{"1", "2", "3"},
ToMyOptsWithDefault(&opts, NewMyOptsBuilder().
// opts now contains
cool := "son"
Cool: &cool,
ExampleShown: false,
Steps: []string{"1", "2", "3"},