The main goal is to provide a low-complexity and feature rich support for pure python Mesos Frameworks, but also to learn things.
mentos is still quite experimental right now. No production frameworks have been built using it.
- Pure python so no C++ meddling
- Full featured Zookeeper and Redirect based Master detection
- Dict based for simplicity
- Task scheduling should be quite fast due to the asynchronous nature of the networking engine
- Nice policy based reconnect and retry system
- Fancy Testing and Development enviroment based on docker-compose
Not on pypi right now. Install from this repository.
Tested Python Versions:
- 2.7
- 3.5
- 3.6
- Mesos > 0.28
- Zookeeper
Run docker-compose up
to get a working instalation of Mesos going.
- docker
- docker-compose > 1.6.0
An example Mesos Scheduler and Executor can be found in the examples folder. It runs one task and then starts declining offers. The Task basically transmits and prints a message. Excuse the magic.
- utils
- states
- interface
- retry
- exceptions
- connection
- subscription
- executor
- scheduler
Not there yet
The long term goal is for this to serve as a base for Satyr and other more high level Python based frameworks.
This has been heavily based on zoonado and was influenced by Satyr and PyMesos and shares some utility code with both. The RecordIO format parsing was lifted from mrocklins gist.