- Install MONACO.TTF font if your system does not have it
- Run ./bootstrap.sh
This configuration has mostly been tested on a Mac with MacVim. Other platforms and Vim variants might have minor issues.
- golang -
brew install go
- yarn -
brew install yarn
- vim-plug for plugin management
- See vimrc for list of plug-ins installed
- The overall display is kept simple
- no line numbers (use : to jump to lines!)
- no toolbar or menubar in gVim
- Key mappings -- Stay close to the home row!
- 'leader' key is comma (so plug-in commands are mapped to things like ,t)
- kd/dk mapped to Esc, exit INSERT mode by mashing those two keys
- fj/jf mapped to autocomplete-word (it searches open buffers)
- clear search register and search highlight with ./ (search highlighting is cool, but having it stick around is not; typing :noh sucks)
- Custom plugin key mappings
- ,t opens NERD Tree file browser
- ,f opens fuzzy-find-file ('fzf' plugin)
- Evaluate Neovim
- In-buffer debugging
- number of spaces vary for filetype (do just ruby, python, java, 4 default)
- Language-specific folding (python folding -- in video?, java), default based on indent
- Smarter autocomplete -- omnicomplete?