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A Differential-Drive Mobile Robot

In this project, I built a differential-drive mobile robot, using the ROS framework, for SLAM. The robot used a unicycle-model-based PD controller to navigate along waypoints computed by an A* algorithm that path-planned using an occupancy grid map. The map was built using lidar scans. I implemented an Extended Kalman Filter for state estimation that fused lidar data with wheel odometry and IMU data.

ROS nodes are in Python with one C++ Rosserial node (on the Arduino).


motor_controller_rosserial_node: C++ rosserial node for low-level control of the motors and measurement of wheel speeds.

imu_node: Python node to publish IMU data from the MPU-6050 sensor (I slightly modified this package:

measure_pose: Python node to measure pose successive lidar point clouds using the Iterative Closest Point algorithm.

sensor_utils: Python node to subscribe to sensor data and publish the data at a controlled rate.

mapping_node: Python node to create and update the occupancy grid map and publish it for visualization on RVIZ

ekf_node: Python node to estimate the robot's state using the EKF algorithm and publish the state.

Main_SLAM_node: Python node to start the SLAM process.

Launch Files:

neptune.launch: Starts all the nodes (in neptune/src) except the Main_SLAM_node.

rplidar.launch: Starts the node for publishing lidar scan data.

Procedure for SLAM

  1. Start the launch file: roslaunch neptune neptune.launch
  2. Open RVIZ on another PC that has the same ROS master as the robot and create a visualization for the Map
  3. Start the SLAM process: rosrun neptune
  4. Stop when satisfied.

Feel free to create more interesting features :)


A Differential-Drive SLAM Robot






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