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Cloud User Meeting: BiBiGrid Hands-on

This tutorial is a reworked/optimized version of the Hands-on session of the GCB 2019 in Heidelberg based on the latest release of BiBiGrid


  • System base on Linux, OSX (tested) or Windows Subsystem for Linux (untested)
  • required software packages
    • Python > 3.6
    • git (required)
    • openssh
  • Openstack API access

Download BiBiGrid

git clone
cd bibigrid

The following steps assume that you are inside of the bibigrid folder. It should contain:

$ ls
bibigrid  bibigrid.yml  documentation  requirements-dev.txt  requirements-rest.txt  requirements.txt  resources  tests

What will happen...

The goal of this session is to set up a small HPC cluster consisting of 3 nodes (1 master, 2 workers) using BiBiGrid with Slurm (workload manager), Network File System (allows file sharing between servers) and Theia (Web IDE). This tutorial targets users running BiBiGrid on de.NBI cloud.

  1. Preparation
  2. Configuration
  3. The Cluster


Premade Template

Use the prefilled configuration template resources/bibigrid.yml as a basis for your personal BiBiGrid configuration. Later in this tutorial you will use OpenStackClient or access Openstack's dashboard manually to get all necessary configuration information from your project.

Copy the configuration template to ~/.config/bibigrid/.

mkdir ~/.config/bibigrid
cp resources/bibigrid.yml ~/.config/bibigrid/bibigrid.yml


In this section you will create an application credential and download the autogenerated clouds.yaml. clouds.yaml contains all required authentication information. Follow the images:


Don't use the input field secret.

  • Its input is not hidden
  • OpenStack will generate a strong secret for you, if you leave it blank.

Pick a sensible expiration date.


Safe the downloaded clouds.yaml under ~/.config/openstack/ and ~/.config/bibigrid/. That will allow both OpenstackClient and BiBiGrid to access it.

Why not store BiBiGrids `clouds.yaml` in openstack and save the extra copy?

In the future BiBiGrid will support more than just one cloud infrastructure. Therefore, using the ~/.config/openstack folder would be a disadvantage later.


Virtual Environment

A virtual environment is something that gives you everything you need to run specific programs without altering your system.

python3 -m venv ~/.venv/bibigrid

Sourcing Environments

In order to actually use the virtual environment we need to source that environment:

source ~/.venv/bibigrid/bin/activate

Following pip installations will only affect the virtual environment. The virtual environment is only sourced in the terminal where you executed the source command. Other terminals are not affected.

Fulfilling Requirements

You will now install packages required by BiBiGrid within your newly created virtual environment. If you haven't sourced your environment yet, please go back. To install all BiBiGrid requirements, we simply install from the given requirements file:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Try executing openstack subnet list --os-cloud=openstack within this environment. If it runs without errors, you are ready to proceed. Otherwise you need to check your clouds.yaml and your virtual environment.


Following the next steps you will update the premade template.

Why are some keys in the template already set?

In this hands-on, we want to make things as easy as possible for you. Just check whether the key you've found is the correct one and matches with the one we've written down in the configuration file already.

SSH access information

BiBiGrid needs to know which sshUser to use in order to connect to your master. You can set this key in your ~/.config/bibigrid/bibigrid.yml file.

The sshUser depends on your server image. Since we run on top of Ubuntu 22.04 the ssh-user is ubuntu. Set the template's sshUser key to ubuntu.


We have created a subnet for this workshop for you. Determine your subnet's Name by running:

openstack subnet list --os-cloud=openstack

Set the template's subnet key to the result's Name key.


BiBiGrid needs to know type and image for each server. Since those are often identical for the workers, you can simply use the count key to indicate multiple workers with the same type and image.


Images are virtual disks with a bootable operating system. Choosing an image means choosing the operating system of your server.

Since images are often updated, you need to look up the current active image using:

openstack image list --os-cloud=openstack | grep active

Since we will use Ubuntu 22.04 you might as well use:

openstack image list --os-cloud=openstack | grep active | grep "Ubuntu 22.04"

Set the template's image key of all instances to the result's ID or NAME entry of the Ubuntu 22.04 row. All servers will share the same image.

Do I have to update my configuration file whenever there is a new image version?

If you use the method described above, yes. However, you can also use a regex instead of a specific name to select an image during runtime. This has also avoids issues that may arise whenever an image is deactivated while your cluster is still running. For our Ubuntu 22.04 images you could use ^Ubuntu 22\.04 LTS \(.*\)$, but usually you need to check what image names are available at your location and choose the regex accordingly. For more information on this functionality take a look at BiBiGrids full documentation.


Flavors are available hardware configurations.

The following gives you a list of all flavors:

openstack flavor list --os-cloud=openstack

Set the template's flavor keys (provide an ID or NAME - we will use NAME in the following examples) to flavors of your choice - in this tutorial we will use de.NBI medium for our master and de.NBI small for our two workers. You can use a different flavor for the master and each worker-group.

Example: Multiple worker groups

The key workerInstances expects a list. Each list element is a worker group with an image + type combination and a count. In our tutorial we use a single worker group containing two workers. Since they are in the same worker group, they are identical in flavor and image. We could, however, define two worker groups with one worker each in order to use different flavors for them.

  - type: de.NBI tiny
    image: ubuntu-22.04-image-name
    count: 1
  - type: de.NBI default
    image: ubuntu-22.04-image-name
    count: 1

Waiting for post-launch Services

Some clouds run one or more post-launch services on every started instance, to finish the initialization after an instance is available (e.g. to configure local proxy settings or local available repositories). That might interrupt BiBiGrid setting up the node (via Ansible). Therefore, BiBiGrid needs to wait for your post-launch service(s) to finish. For that BiBiGrid needs the services' names. Set the key waitForServices to the list of services you would like to wait for. For Bielefeld this would be de.NBI_Bielefeld_environment.service. In the future you should be able to find post-launch service names by taking a look at your location's Computer Center Specific site - if post-launch services exist for your location.

    - de.NBI_Bielefeld_environment.service

Check Your Configuration

Run ./ -i bibigrid.yml -ch -v to check your configuration. The command line argument -v allows for greater verbosity which will make it easier for you to fix issues.

The Cluster

Starting the cluster

./ -i bibigrid.yml -c -v creates the cluster with a more verbose output. Cluster creation time depends on the chosen flavor and the overall load of the cloud and will take up to 15 minutes.

List Running Cluster

Since several clusters can run simultaneously, listing all running clusters can be useful:

Execute ./ -i bibigrid.yml -l. You will receive a general overview over all clusters started in your project.

Cluster SSH Connection

After a successful setup, BiBiGrid will print some information. For example:

Cluster 6jh83w0n3vsip90 with master up and running!
SSH: ssh -i '~/.bibigrid/tempKey_bibi-6jh83w0n3vsip90' [email protected]
Terminate cluster: ./ -i 'bibigrid.yml' -t -cid 6jh83w0n3vsip90
Detailed cluster info: ./ -i 'bibigrid.yml' -l -cid 6jh83w0n3vsip90

You can now establish an SSH connection to your cluster's master by executing the SSH line of your create's output:

ssh -i '~/.bibigrid/keys/tempKey_bibi-6jh83w0n3vsip90' [email protected] 

But make sure to use the one generated for you by BiBiGrid since

  • cluster-id (here 6jh83w0n3vsip90),
  • key name (here ~/.config/bibigrid/keys/tempKey_bibi-6jh83w0n3vsip90)
  • user@IP (here [email protected])

will differ on every run. Run sinfo after logging in. You should see something like this:

openstack    up   infinite      2  idle~ bibigrid-worker-6jh83w0n3vsip90-[0-1]
openstack    up   infinite      1   idle bibigrid-master-6jh83w0n3vsip90
All*         up   infinite      2  idle~ bibigrid-worker-6jh83w0n3vsip90-[0-1]
All*         up   infinite      1   idle bibigrid-master-6jh83w0n3vsip90

However, doing everything on the running cluster from a terminal can be quite bothersome. That's were Theia comes in.

Why are there two partitions (openstack and all) with the same nodes?

BiBiGrid creates one partition for every cloud (here openstack) and one partition called all containing all nodes from all partitions. Since we are only using one cloud for this tutorial, we only have openstack and all.

Using Theia Web IDE

Theia Web IDE's many features make it easier to work on your cloud instances. Take a look:


When enabled, Theia Web IDE is configured to listen on localhost port 8181 on the master instance. Since this address is not directly available you have to forward it to your machine using ssh. Execute

./ -i bibigrid.yml -ide -cid [cluster-id]

to connect to Theia. You may even use ./ -i bibigrid.yml -ide since BiBiGrid will attempt to connect to your last created cluster if no cluster-id is given. Theia will be run as systemd service on localhost. A Theia IDE tab will be automatically opened in your browser.

Hello BiBiGrid, Hello Antibiotic Resistance!

In this section, you will execute the resFinder workflow to create a heatmap of antibiotic resistances using your cluster. We will only focus on the workflow language Nextflow within this tutorial. However, you could use any software that comes with a SLURM executor instead or even run the jobs directly through SLURM's CLI.

Digression: Job Scheduling (SLURM)

Slurm is used for job scheduling/workload management. To see all nodes in your cluster execute sinfo. You will notice that workers are idle~. That means they are idle and ~ (powered down). Slurm uses many symbols and words to indicate node states. See here for more about that. To see all running jobs, execute squeue. You will notice that no job is currently running.

After successfully connecting to Theia IDE, we will now run our first job on our cluster. Let's start with a "hello world".

  • Open a terminal

  • Create a new shell script nano /vol/spool/

echo Hello from $(hostname) !
sleep 10
  • Make executable using chmod: chmod u+x /vol/spool/
  • Change into the /vol/spool/ directory: cd /vol/spool/
  • Submit this script as an array job 50 times : sbatch --array=1-50 --job-name=helloworld (run the job 50 times). The job helloworld runs now. It will take a while to finish, but you can already inspect some information while it runs.
  • The master will now power up worker nodes (as you described it in bibigrid.yml) to assist him with this job. Execute sinfo after a few seconds to see the current node status.
  • View information about all scheduled jobs by executing squeue. You will see your job helloworld there.
  • You can see helloworld's output using cat cat /vol/spool/slurm-*.out.

Setting up nextflow

Install Java

sudo apt install default-jre

Download Nextflow into your /vol/spool folder

cd /vol/spool
wget -qO- | bash

Get and execute resFinder

Execute locally in this repository's folder in order to copy our test workflow to the master (use your own key path and master ip)

scp -i '~/.config/bibigrid/keys/tempKey_bibi-6jh83w0n3vsip90' resources/Resistance_Nextflow.tar.xz [email protected]:/vol/spool/Resistance_Nextflow.tar.xz

Execute on remote within /vol/spool in order to unpack our workflow and run it on the master.

tar -xvf Resistance_Nextflow.tar.xz
./nextflow run

Using squeue in another terminal will show you that this execution is not running on our slurm cluster.

On Slurm

In order to run our workflow on our slurm cluster, we need to set the executor to slurm. We have done that using a profile definition (see nextflow.config).

./nextflow run -profile slurm

Once our workflow has finished, we can see the generated heatmap in outputs/collected_heatmaps/.


Ansible, an open source community project by Red Hat, enables the idempotent setup of servers - installing software you need and so on. Knowing more about Ansible can be very helpful when handling clusters.

Let's automate our setup using Ansible! First let us include the role additional. Open ~/playbook/site.yml and add additional to the hosts: master section:

- become: 'yes'
  hosts: master
  - role: bibigrid
    - bibigrid
    - bibigrid-master
  - role: additional
    - additional
    become: False
  - vars/common_configuration.yml
  - vars/hosts.yml

Next, let us take a look what the additional role actually does. Currently, it just shows a debug message. We would like to add what we have done on our cluster so far:

- debug:
    - "Hello {{ ansible_user }}!"

- name: Unarchive ZIP file from GitHub repository
    src: ""
    dest: "/vol/spool/"
    remote_src: yes

- name: Install Java JRE on Debian/Ubuntu
  become: True
    name: default-jre  # Package name for Java JRE on Debian-based systems
    state: present     # Ensure that the package is present, you can use "latest" as well

- name: Get Nextflow
  shell: wget -qO- | bash
    chdir: /vol/spool/

- name: Execute Nextflow workflow
  shell: ./nextflow run -profile slurm
    chdir: "/vol/spool"  # Change to the directory where your workflow resides

And let's execute our role, but first we need to remove everything we have done manually (for simplicity we will not uninstall java):

sudo rm -r /vol/spool/* # in order to reset
bibiplay -t additional

Taking a look at /vol/spool/, we can see that the output folder has been generated once again.

Terminate a cluster

Terminating a running cluster is quite simple. Execute ./ -i bibigrid.yml -t -cid [cluster-id] -v. You have probably already guessed it, ./ -i bibigrid.yml -t also does the trick, since BiBiGrid will fall back on your last created cluster if no cluster-id is specified.

Moving Forward

More BiBiGrid

Congratulations! You have finished BiBiGrid's Hands-on.

You may want to take a look at the "real" bibigrid.yml inside BiBiGrid's repository. It has a few more keys. However, everything you learned here stays true.

If you would like to deepen your knowledge maybe give BiBiGrid's Features or the Software used by BiBiGrid a read.

More Ansible

You can learn more about Ansible (and Ansible Galaxy) here:

For future issues

Issues can be created here.