A toon shader allowing to choose the color palette of a material. For godot engine.
With a classic palette.
Or with a wtf palette as you want.
Now with the texture version.
I used this palette. (row 1 : normal color, row 2 : shadow color). /!\ I zoomed the palette for the readme but a color must be of 1 pixel.
Specular + rim. (You can get it in the folder example)
3 colors to choose and a range which allows you to choose at which intensity step to change color.
Color_light and Color_shadow (optional, set alpha to 0 to use texture instead)
palette palette image, 1 pixel per color (row 1 : normal color, row 2 : shadow color). Tex Texture image.
Specular color Glow reduction (specular size)
Rim amount (0: no rim, 1: full)
Step (at which intensity step to change color)