Parses SQL files which contain CREATE TABLE
statements and generates docblocks and/or HTML documentation.
We manage our MySQL database schemas using Skeema. This allows us to define and manage our database in a declarative manner. It lends itself well to documenting each table with a doc block and in turn generating documentation from those docblocks.
- SQLDocs assumes that each
statement is defined in a separate .sql file.
This repo contains an example directory with a .sqldoc.yaml
file and two schema directories. This is the recommended way to configure your schema files.
The file example/users/users.sql
has a pre-defined docblock with column descriptions defined.
The file example/content/content.sql
does not have a doc block.
To see the doc block that would be generated for these files, the following command can be used.
$ ./bin/sqldoc --dir example/ --config example/.sqldoc.yaml --test
The output would be similar to this.
Using config file example/.sqldoc.yaml
Parsing example/cms/content.sql...
* Table content
* @column bigint(unsigned) content_id Not Null
* @column varchar(64) author Not Null
* @column varchar(150) headline Not Null
* @column varchar(255) summary Not Null
* @column TEXT body Not Null
* @key unique primary (content_id)
* @schema cms
* @name content
* @engine InnoDB
* @default_charset utf8
Parsing example/users/users.sql...
* Table users
* @column int(unsigned) user_id Not Null Unique User Id
* @column varchar(255) email Nullable User's email address. Default: NULL
* @column varchar(255) email_hash Nullable Hash of the user's email address. Default: NULL
* @column varchar(255) password Not Null User's encrypted password.
* @column datetime wh_update_date Nullable Date the record was last updated. Default: NULL
* @column datetime wh_insert_date Not Null Date the recorde was created. Default: CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
* @key unique primary (user_id)
* @key unique email (email)
* @key unique username (username)
* @key unique email_hash (email_hash)
* @key by_wh_update_date (wh_update_date)
* @key by_wh_insert_date (wh_insert_date)
* @schema users
* @name users
* @engine InnoDB
* @default_charset utf8mb4
* @collation utf8mb4_unicode_ci
Test mode. No files updated.
Test mode. No HTML generated.
All options with the exception of config
can be set in a .sqldoc.yaml
file. Command line options override options defined in the config file.
--config CONFIG_FILE Location of sqldoc YAML file. If a file
named .sqldoc.yaml is found in the
current directory, it will be used by
--dir DIR[,DIR] Directory containing .sql files.
--file FILE[,FILE] File
--generate-docblocks If true, doc blocks will be added/updated
in .sql files.
--generate-html If true, HTML documentation will be
--generate-html-dir DIR Directory where HTML documentation is
generated (default 'html')
-h Shows this help
--index-template FILENAME Name of template file for generating the
index page. Default: default.twig
--project-name NAME Project name to be used when generating
--schema SCHEMA Schema (aka database) name to add to doc
--schema-dir Uses the parent directory name of the
file as the schema name
--schema-template FILENAME Name of template file for generating the
schema page. Default: default.twig
--table-template FILENAME Name of template file for generating the
table page. Default: default.twig
--template-dir DIR Location where template files are
located. Default: src/template
--test Doc blocks are output and files are not
There is a docker image available for SQLDocs.
docker run --rm \
-v /path/to/schema:/sqldoc \
dealnews/sqldoc:latest [options]
Twig templates are used to generate HTML documentation.
The CSS framework Bulma is used in the default HTML template.
- Create a phar executable
- Add to Packagist to allow installing via Composer
- PostgreSQL support
- More test coverage