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Neuraltalk2-pytorch_noname Changes compared to Neuraltalk2-pytorch. The main change aims to train flickr8k according to this section from nagizeroiw/neuraltalk2.pytorch

Train your own network on COCO

add pre_captions/ folder --- to convert flickr8k pre-caption json to coco style

1 reads dataset_flickr8k_test.json(orignal name dataset_flickr8k.json) download also from link from Karpathy's homepage it output coco-styled json(default: output dataset_fk8k_cocoformat.json) in same folder, which is already uploaded

add pre_captions/ to catagorise flickr8k_dataset images

2 reads input coco-styled json(default: output dataset_fk8k_cocoformat.json) and image folder, create train2014/val2014/test2014 in neuraltalk2.pytorch folder, copy the image to folders according to "split"(train/val/test) value.

then following previous intructions

Copy the pre_captions/output dataset_fk8k_cocoformat.json to data/dataset_coco.json. Force copy and replace. then continue from "Once we have these, we can now invoke the prepro_*.py script,"

$ python scripts/ --input_json data/dataset_coco.json --output_json data/cocotalk.json --output_h5 data/cocotalk
$ python scripts/ --input_json data/dataset_coco.json --output_dir data/cocotalk --images_root $IMAGE_ROOT

dataset Links:

flickr8k_dataset: or


Changes compared to neuraltalk2.

  • Instead of using random split, we use karpathy's train-val-test split.
  • Instead of including the convnet in the model, we use preprocessed features. (finetuneable cnn version is in the branch with_finetune)
  • Use resnet instead of vgg; the feature extraction method is the same as in self-critical: run cnn on original image and adaptively average pool the last conv layer feature to fixed size .
  • Much more models (you can check out models folder). The latest topdown model can achieve 1.07 Cider score on Karpathy's test split with beam size 5.


Python 2.7 (because there is no coco-caption version for python 3) PyTorch 0.2 (along with torchvision)

You need to download pretrained resnet model for both training and evaluation. The models can be downloaded from here, and should be placed in data/imagenet_weights.

Pretrained models

Pretrained models are provided here. And the performances of each model will be maintained in this issue.

If you want to do evaluation only, then you can follow this section after downloading the pretrained models.

Train your own network on COCO

Download COCO dataset and preprocessing

First, download the coco images from link. We need 2014 training images and 2014 val. images. You should put the train2014/ and val2014/ in the same directory, denoted as $IMAGE_ROOT.

Download preprocessed coco captions from link from Karpathy's homepage. Extract dataset_coco.json from the zip file and copy it in to data/. This file provides preprocessed captions and also standard train-val-test splits.

Once we have these, we can now invoke the prepro_*.py script, which will read all of this in and create a dataset (two feature folders, a hdf5 label file and a json file).

$ python scripts/ --input_json data/dataset_coco.json --output_json data/cocotalk.json --output_h5 data/cocotalk
$ python scripts/ --input_json data/dataset_coco.json --output_dir data/cocotalk --images_root $IMAGE_ROOT will map all words that occur <= 5 times to a special UNK token, and create a vocabulary for all the remaining words. The image information and vocabulary are dumped into data/cocotalk.json and discretized caption data are dumped into data/cocotalk_label.h5. extract the resnet101 features (both fc feature and last conv feature) of each image. The features are saved in data/cocotalk_fc and data/cocotalk_att, and resulting files are about 200GB.

(Check the prepro scripts for more options, like other resnet models or other attention sizes.)

Warning: the prepro script will fail with the default MSCOCO data because one of their images is corrupted. See this issue for the fix, it involves manually replacing one image in the dataset.

Start training

$ python --id st --caption_model show_tell --input_json data/cocotalk.json --input_fc_dir data/cocotalk_fc --input_att_dir data/cocotalk_att --input_label_h5 data/cocotalk_label.h5 --batch_size 10 --learning_rate 5e-4 --learning_rate_decay_start 0 --scheduled_sampling_start 0 --checkpoint_path log_st --save_checkpoint_every 6000 --val_images_use 5000 --max_epochs 25

The train script will dump checkpoints into the folder specified by --checkpoint_path (default = save/). We only save the best-performing checkpoint on validation and the latest checkpoint to save disk space.

To resume training, you can specify --start_from option to be the path saving infos.pkl and model.pth (usually you could just set --start_from and --checkpoint_path to be the same).

If you have tensorflow, the loss histories are automatically dumped into --checkpoint_path, and can be visualized using tensorboard.

The current command use scheduled sampling, you can also set scheduled_sampling_start to -1 to turn off scheduled sampling.

If you'd like to evaluate BLEU/METEOR/CIDEr scores during training in addition to validation cross entropy loss, use --language_eval 1 option, but don't forget to download the coco-caption code into coco-caption directory.

For more options, see

A few notes on training. To give you an idea, with the default settings one epoch of MS COCO images is about 11000 iterations. After 1 epoch of training results in validation loss ~2.5 and CIDEr score of ~0.68. By iteration 60,000 CIDEr climbs up to about ~0.84 (validation loss at about 2.4 (under scheduled sampling)).

Generate image captions

Evaluate on raw images

Now place all your images of interest into a folder, e.g. blah, and run the eval script:

$ python --model model.pth --infos_path infos.pkl --image_folder blah --num_images 10

This tells the eval script to run up to 10 images from the given folder. If you have a big GPU you can speed up the evaluation by increasing batch_size. Use --num_images -1 to process all images. The eval script will create an vis.json file inside the vis folder, which can then be visualized with the provided HTML interface:

$ cd vis
$ python -m SimpleHTTPServer

Now visit localhost:8000 in your browser and you should see your predicted captions.

Evaluate on Karpathy's test split

$ python --dump_images 0 --num_images 5000 --model model.pth --infos_path infos.pkl --language_eval 1 

The defualt split to evaluate is test. The default inference method is greedy decoding (--sample_max 1), to sample from the posterior, set --sample_max 0.

Beam Search. Beam search can increase the performance of the search for greedy decoding sequence by ~5%. However, this is a little more expensive. To turn on the beam search, use --beam_size N, N should be greater than 1.


Using cpu. The code is currently defaultly using gpu; there is even no option for switching. If someone highly needs a cpu model, please open an issue; I can potentially create a cpu checkpoint and modify the to run the model on cpu. However, there's no point using cpu to train the model.

Train on other dataset. It should be trivial to port if you can create a file like dataset_coco.json for your own dataset.

Live demo. Not supported now. Welcome pull request.


Thanks the original neuraltalk2 and awesome PyTorch team.


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