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Library to run python REPL in isolated docker container and helpful abstraction for docker containers/images. in python


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It is a simple wrapper library around docker python API to make it easier to use and to provide Python REPL running in a container. In particular it was created for langchain isolated python REPL, so agents can run code in isolation.

Warning: This package requires docker to be installed and running on the host machine. It also needs more work to make it secure.

This package makes it a bit easier to:

  • Build docker images from Dockerfiles or in-memory string.
  • Pull docker images from dockerhub (or similar).
  • Run docker container to execute a one-off command.
  • Run docker container to execute a long-running process and communicate with it.
  • Run python commands in a container and get the result.

Project boostraped with ds-template:

Example code snippet

Execute commands in container running in the background:

  from ds_pycontain import DockerContainer, DockerImage, get_docker_client

  client = get_docker_client()

  # This will fetch the image from dockerhub if it is not already present
  # with the "latest" tag. Then container is started and commands are run
  with DockerContainer(DockerImage.from_tag("alpine")) as container:
      ret_code, output ="touch /animal.txt")
      assert ret_code == 0

      ret_code, output ="ls /")
      assert ret_code == 0
      assert cast(bytes, output).find(b"animal.txt") >= 0

Docker images

from ds_pycontain import DockerImage

# pull or use alpine:latest
image = DockerImage.from_tag("alpine")
# use provided tag to pull/use the image
image = DockerImage.from_tag("python", tag="3.9-slim")
#  use this dockerfile to build a new local image
image = DockerImage.from_dockerfile("example/Dockerfile")
# you can provide a directory path which contains Dockerfile, set custom image name
image = DockerImage.from_dockerfile("path/to/dir_with_Dockerfile/", name="cow")

Python REPL running in docker container

  from ds_pycontain.python_dockerized_repl import PythonContainerREPL

  # To start python REPL in container it is easy,
  # just be aware that it will take some time to start the container
  # and ports might be allocated by OS, so use different port/retry
  # if you get error.
  repl = PythonContainerREPL(port=7121)

  # You can run python commands in the container
  # and it will keep state between commands.
  out1 = repl.exec("x = [1, 2, 3]")
  assert out1 == ""
  # Eval returns string representation of the python command
  # as it would be in python REPL:
  out2 = repl.eval("len(x)")
  assert out2 == "3"

  # Exec returns captured standard output (stdout)
  # so it won't return anything in this case:
  out3 = repl.exec("len(x)")
  assert out3 == ""
  # but exec with print works:
  out4 = repl.exec("print(len(x))")
  assert out4 == "3\n"

  # You can also get error messages if code is wrong:
  err = repl.exec("print(x")
  assert "SyntaxError" in err

Setup developer environment

To start, you need to setup your local machine.

Setup venv

You need to setup virtual environment, simplest way is to run from project root directory:

$ ./
$ source venv/bin/activate

This will create a new venv and run pip install -r requirements-dev.txt.

Install pre-commit

To ensure code quality we use pre-commit hook with several checks. Setup it by:

pre-commit install

All updated files will be reformatted and linted before the commit.

To reformat and lint all files in the project, use:

pre-commit run --all-files

The used linters are configured in .pre-commit-config.yaml. You can use pre-commit autoupdate to bump tools to the latest versions.

Project documentation

In docs/ directory are Sphinx RST/Markdown files.

To build documentation locally, in your configured environment, you can use script:

$ ./

Then open public/index.html file.

Please read the official Sphinx documentation for more details.

Semantic version bump

To bump version of the library please use bump2version which will update all version strings.

NOTE: Configuration is in .bumpversion.cfg and this is a main file defining version which should be updated only with bump2version.

For convenience there is bash script which will create commit, to use it call:

# to create a new commit by increasing one semvar:
$ ./ minor
$ ./ major
$ ./ patch
# to see what is going to change run:
$ ./ --dry-run major

Script updates VERSION file and setup.cfg automatically uses that version.

You can configure it to update version string in other files as well - please check out the bump2version configuration file.